- 11 Dec 2024
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Real-Time Assist Cards & Custom Moments Best Practices
- Updated on 11 Dec 2024
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Real Time Assist (RTA) cards and Custom Moments are essential tools for onboarding customer support and sales agents, acting as enhanced cheat sheets. Effective use of Contact Center AI relies on accurate call transcription, which is influenced by well-crafted trigger phrases. Best practices for creating these phrases include keeping them concise, prioritizing critical information, and using links for additional resources. Trigger phrases should reflect natural speech patterns and be contextually relevant to ensure accurate activation. It's important to avoid overly general or specific phrases and to consider variations in language, including synonyms and different tenses. Inclusivity in language is crucial to avoid bias, particularly regarding gender and regional dialects. Continuous validation and iteration of RTA cards are necessary to maintain their effectiveness, ensuring they meet the evolving needs of the team and customers. Regularly reviewing their performance helps identify areas for improvement and knowledge gaps.
Real-Time Assist Cards and Custom Moments help tremendously with onboarding new agents and reps for customer support, sales, and Contact Center teams — they're like cheat sheets, but better!
For Contact Center Ai to be effective at detecting customer sentiment or identifying follow-up tasks mentioned in a call, there’s one essential element: accurate call transcription.
Let's review some best practices to make your Real-Time Assist cards (RTAs), and Custom Moments as effective as possible.
Best practices
The details matter — make sure to factor in these four points when creating your trigger phrases:
Length — keep it short and sweet
RTAs are made to pop up live, during a call. That means you’ll want to keep it brief, so agents can quickly read the information and keep the conversation with the customer flowing smoothly.
Critical info first
Reps don’t have time to search for the information they need from a card when it appears on screen — do them a favor by putting the most important information first.
Links are your friends
The best way to share relevant info for your reps is via links, which should be placed after critical content
More than one person can trigger a card — reps can trigger them too
Don’t forget that you can set your cards to fire on something your agent says — not just what a customer says — so you can use them as cheat sheets to be used whenever needed.
Trigger Phrase efficacy
Real-Time Assist cards and Custom Moments rely on trigger phrases that can be spoken by an agent or a customer (or both!). Once the trigger phrase is spoken, the RTA card appears, or the Custom Moment fires. Without the right trigger phrases, the cards will never fire — or, they won’t fire in the correct context.
For a card to be effective, it must be triggered under the correct context. So, when creating Triggers Phrases, consider the following key points:
The language in the card matches the language of the keyphrase
Have a look at the below examples of good trigger phrases, and ones that should be improved.
Bad ❌ | Better ✅ |
manager (too short) | let me ask my manager |
app not working (not natural speech) | app isn’t working |
car accident (add more synonyms) | car accident, car crash, collision, fender bender |
Accuracy in trigger phrases is crucial. If your trigger phrases don’t meet our formatting guidelines, they won’t be triggered.
Make sure your phrases aren't too general, as this can cause your cards to activate in irrelevant contexts.
Make sure your trigger phrases aren't too specific, as this can cause your cards to activate only in limited contexts and miss other relevant situations.
Make sure your trigger phrases reflect real-world speech, or they won't trigger as expected.
Make sure the language of the card matches the language of the trigger words or phrases to ensure it triggers accurately.
Spelling matters! Trigger phrases must be spelled correctly in order to be recognized in the transcript. This includes typos, apostrophes on English contractions, and accents on letters in Spanish words.
For example:
✅ you're
New words
If you have niche terminology, innovative product names, words with special characters, or newly-created words that you’d like to include as trigger phrases, then you should add these to your company dictionary. We do our best to keep the dictionaries used by our Ai systems up to date, but the only way to ensure that your company’s new products and services are included in our lexicon is to add them yourself.
Numbers can only effectively be used in trigger phrases if they are added to your company dictionary.
You could add a trigger phrase consisting entirely of a number, but, that trigger phrase will fire any time that number is mentioned — which may have much wider coverage than you intend (e.g. $250).
For English cards, you can write number-related trigger phrases with the numbers as digits, or spelled out, and they will be triggered regardless of their format in the transcript.
For Spanish cards, numbers must be entirely spelled-out, not written as digits.
The examples below will all work for English cards, but only the first one will work for Spanish cards:
For example:
✅model 250
✅model two hundred and fifty
Remember that the first trigger phrase here, 250, will fire any time the number 250 occurs in a transcript, regardless of context. The last trigger phrase, R250, is acceptable only if it has already been added to your company dictionary, due to its alphanumeric nature.
Acronyms & initialisms
Acronyms or initialisms can be written in ALL CAPS, or in lowercase, but be aware that writing your acronyms in all caps will result in a narrower range of hits from the model.
Do not include periods between letters of an acronym.
For example:
Too short
The more details the better accuracy. For example, consider the trigger phrase:
ask my manager
Let’s say this phrase is part of an “ask a manager” RTA card, or a “manager intervention” custom moment, either of which might notify a manager.
If you use the trigger phrase example above, you will also capture phrases like I wouldn’t need to ask my manager about that, which negates the need for manager intervention.
Too long
Remember to keep your trigger phrases short and sweet. Using long, very specific trigger phrases such as "let me ask my manager just one sec" means your card won’t be triggered by shorter phrases that match the same context, i.e. let me ask my manager.
Instead, the ideal version of this phrase would be "let me ask my manager". The ideal trigger phrase is specific enough to avoid over-triggering in irrelevant contexts, but general enough to include most relevant contexts.
Real conversations
Trigger phrases work best when they sound like normal conversation.
For instance, the following trigger phrases are useful to include in a pricing card:
pricing discussion
price discussion
pricing discussions
price discussions
discuss pricing
But you’ll want to leave out a phrase like:
prices discussion
If the trigger phrase isn’t grammatically correct, the card is less likely to be triggered at the right time.
That said, you don’t want to overcorrect, either: if your trigger phrases don’t match the way people actually speak, you’re still never going to see your cards. For example, consider the phrase:
app not working
At first glance, this may look like a great trigger phrase for a call center. However, this phrase will never trigger a single RTA card or Custom Moment.
Why? Because this trigger phrase is not representative of how people talk in an actual conversation.
On a call, people use verbs, contractions, and articles on nouns. So, a more effective trigger phrase in this scenario would be " the app isn’t working".
Conversations are full of variation, with many ways to say the same thing. This means you want your trigger phrases to have a good amount of variation as well.
One way to consider variation is to include the same trigger phrases with different synonyms. For example, if you’re creating a card that’s triggered when someone wants to file an insurance claim for a car accident, you’ll include the trigger phrase
car accident
But there are many ways to express this type of incident, and if you only include the phrase above, your card won’t be triggered in other, very relevant instances. For example, you’ll miss the following variants:
car crash
car collision
fender bender
Different Phrasing
There’s also variation in the way people structure their sentences. For example, consider the following trigger phrase:
Call me when that’s ready.
There are many ways to express this same sentiment, including:
Call me when it’s ready.
Let me know when it’s ready.
Let me know when that’s ready.
So you’ll want to consider several phrasing options for each of your cards’ concepts as well -- different verbs, different pronouns -- not just synonyms for content words. This way, you’ll be able to capture many more instances of the context for which you’ve made your card(s).
Tenses and Plurals
You may also want to consider adding different verb tenses and plural forms of nouns to increase coverage.
For example, let’s say you’ve made an RTA card that should be triggered when a customer asks about your rates. You’ll include the phrase:
what are your rates?
But you will also want to include:
What is your rate?
What were your rates?
What was your rate?
Because this kind of variation is widespread -- you can imagine a customer asking, “and what were your rates again?” which of course you’ll want this card for.
There’s one final caveat for creating good trigger phrases: it’s important to consider the effect of your language choices on minority groups, and consider the different dialect regions of your client base.
For example, if you want to create a card that’s triggered when a customer has an unhappy experience, you might include the following trigger phrases based on what you learned from the tips above:
extremely unhappy
extremely frustrated
really unhappy
really frustrated
very unhappy
very frustrated
But you don’t want to include just any phrases you can think of, without considering the impact of doing so. For instance, it would be problematic if we added only the following phrases to the list above:
was a total b*tch
really b*tchy
a real b*tch
a total karen
a real karen
what a karen
These latter phrases, though indicative of unhappy customers, disproportionately target women. Including them alongside the other phrases risks introducing gender bias into this card. This bias could skew your results, creating a misleading appearance that customers are more frequently dissatisfied with female agents, even when this is not the case.
It’s not a problem to include negative language in your cards — just remember to be inclusive of all groups, and be careful not to inadvertently use the cards against agents of any particular group.
Similarly, you’ll want to consider different dialect regions as well: for instance, if you have a card that fires on words relating to customer satisfaction, of course you’ll want to include words like pleased. But if your call centre is expanding to Australia or the UK, don’t forget to add regional variants like chuffed.
Small things like this can spiral into big things, so just keep this in mind when creating your cards.
Validate & Iterate
Once your RTA cards and CMs are live, maintain their efficacy by reviewing their performance and creating new iterations of cards as your product and procedures evolve.
Consider the following questions when validating your RTA cards and Custom Moments:
Are your reps actually using the card?
Is your team following the mentioned procedures and script?
Are the most frequently-triggered cards resulting in beneficial changes?
Are these cards being triggered too often?
Are the least frequently-triggered cards still useful?
Think of the following questions when iterating and improving on existing cards:
How can you improve cards that get triggered too often?
Can you lengthen the trigger phrases or make them more specific?
How can you improve cards that don’t get triggered often enough?
Can you generalize, shorten, or add more trigger phrases?
Are there more knowledge gaps that could be filled by wider coverage of existing cards?
Or should new cards be created for these new gaps?