Analytics Glossary
    • 23 Jul 2024
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    Analytics Glossary

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    Article summary

    Let's dive into the terms you'll see while using your Dialpad Analytics reports.

    General terminology

    You'll find these terms throughout your Dialpad analytics dashboard, and in your exported data. 

    Average Call Duration (ACD): Average length of both outgoing and incoming calls. This is based on the connected date and end date of the call, and includes any time spent on hold. 

    Answered Calls: Inbound calls that are connected to a Dialpad user. Even if the caller is routed from an IVR menu to a user, as long as they answer the call, it will be considered an answered call.

    Connected Date: The moment the caller starts talking to the user (we don't count the ring time).

    Canceled Call: Outbound calls hung up before they connected.

    Direct Voicemail: Calls that did not ring and the caller left a voicemail. 

    Device Usage: Where Dialpad was used:

    • Desktop App: Either the Native App (Mac or Windows) or the Chrome App
    • Forwarding Number: Placed or received a call on another PSTN number
    • Mobile HD Calling (VoIP): Used HD Calling (VoIP) on iOS (iPhone or iPad) or Android
    • Desk Phone: Any form of SIP desk phone (Obihai, Polycom, and any SIP device)

    External Call: Calls to or from someone outside of your office.

    Handled Calls: All calls that connected an agent to a caller — this includes inbound, outbound, and callback calls.

    Internal Call: Calls between Dialpad users of the same office.

    Minute Stats: Time spent on a connected call (excluding ring time). This can be further broken down into:

    • Total Inbound Minutes for Connected Inbound calls.
    • Total Outbound Minutes for Connected Outbound calls.

    Outbound User-initiated Call: Calls initiated by a Dialpad user.

    Outbound Connected Call: All outbound calls that were picked up — this does not include system-initiated callbacks.

    Other Voicemail: An inbound call that is routed to voicemail in the following scenarios:

    • Calls that did not ring and were sent directly to voicemail.
    • Calls where the caller was in the queue, left a voicemail and ended the call.
    • Calls where a caller selected the voicemail option from an automated response menu.
    • Calls that were transferred and automatically sent to a department’s or individual’s voicemail.

    System-initiated callbacks: Calls that are automatically generated when fulfilling callback requests.

    Talk Time: The amount of time a user spent talking.

    Timezone: The timezone of your office's location, not your individual users. This keeps your Analytics consistent across all users within your office.

    Time in System: The average time inbound connected calls are in the Dialpad system before it connects to an agent.

    Texts: Total messages sent and received, both inside and outside of the company, for the group or user.

    Unanswered Call: Inbound calls that did not connect to a Dialpad user.

    Unanswered Transferred: Calls that were transferred and unanswered. These are further categorized into the following definitions:

    • Router Transfer: Calls that were transferred based on the caller’s area code.
    • Auto Transfer: Calls that were transferred to another Office, Contact Center, Department, geo router, team member, or room phone .
    • Forward Transfer: Calls that were transferred from a desk phone to another number.
    • DTMF Transfer: Calls that were transferred via an automated response menu.
    • Scripted IVR Transfer: Calls that were transferred via a scripted IVR workflow.
    Before August 12, 2022, Unanswered Transferred was referred to as Forwarded

    Voicemails: An inbound call where the caller left a voicemail.

    Voicemail (Missed): Missed calls where the caller left a voicemail. These are included in the missed calls total.

    Contact Center terminology

    The following terms are specific to your Contact Center analytics. 


    Dialpad improved the Call Category definitions on Aug 12, 2022. Be sure to read this article to see how it might have impacted your reporting. 

    Abandoned Calls: An inbound call that did not end up ringing your Agents. Inbound calls are considered abandoned in the following scenarios:

    1. The call did not end up ringing and was never connected
    2. The caller was not transferred to other targets 
    3. The caller did not leave a voicemail
    4. There was no callback requested
    5. There was no message left

    We also break down Callbacks Requested and Callbacks Completed in the contact center to analyze in-queue callback performance.

    Average Speed to Answer: The duration that callers waited until an agent answered the call. Measured from after the greetings and menus are finished.

    Average Handle Time: The total time a customer is connected to an agent in addition to any wrap-up time the agent spent on the call. Calculation: AHT = (average call duration + wrap-up time) / # of calls

    Ai Prediction Rate: The percentage of inbound answered calls that have an Ai CSAT prediction.

    Callback Request: Inbound call that ended in a request for a callback. See in-queue callbacks for more information on callbacks.

    Callback - Caller Accepted - Not Connected: The caller accepted the callback fulfillment call but did not wind up connecting to an agent. This can happen if agents were rung out and missed answering the call, or because the caller abandoned the call before an agent could be connected.

    Connected to agent: Original caller accepts the callback and connects with an agent 

    CSAT Score: The percentage of satisfied customers out of all surveyed customers. It is calculated by: Positive CSAT responses (4 & 5s) / all CSAT responses.

    Missed Calls: Inbound call where we rang out to your available agents but they didn't accept the call. The difference between a missed call and an abandoned call is that with a missed call, there are available agents who have been rung out to (and they simply missed the call). In an abandoned call, Dialpad never rang out to any agent because no agents were available (or the other scenarios outlined under Abandoned).

    No Answer/Declined by the caller: Caller received a callback and did not answer or declined the callback by selecting the “Callback is no longer needed” option

    No callback: A callback was requested but there was no system-initiated callback call. This case occurs if the maximum queue wait time for the group is exceeded before the queued callback request makes it to the head of the queue.

    Service Level: This displays the percentage of calls answered during open hours within the time threshold set for that Contact Center, by default 60s. Short Abandoned calls are excluded from this metric. Service level is measured once a call first starts ringing an agent or when the call is queued after any greetings and menus are finished.

    Short-abandoned: Short-abandoned calls are a subset of abandoned calls when callers hang up within a specific time frame. Short-abandoned calls are excluded from service level calculations. The default short-abandoned threshold is 10 seconds, and only contact centers can customize this value.

    Survey Response Rate: The survey response rate is the percentage of surveys with responses out of all the surveys sent. Read our article on changes made to Survey Response rate in March 2022.

    Departments & Mainline terminology 

    These definitions are specific to Departments and Mainlines. 

    Abandoned calls: Any inbound calls that did not end up ringing an operator, and were not forwarded to another number via fallback routing options, or connected. This means the caller was not transferred, did not leave a voicemail, nor did they request a callback.

    Missed Calls: Inbound calls where Dialpad attempted to ring an operator, but the operator didn't answer. When reviewing user stats, the total number of missed calls will include calls to the direct user's line as well as any lines that they've been assigned to as an operator. 

    Contact Center weekly email summary

    The Contact Center Weekly Email provides a weekly summary of the main contact center metrics as they compare to the average of each metric.

    Connected Calls: Sum of answered and placed calls described in Average Call Duration (ACD).
    Total Duration: See Minute Stats above.

    The following metrics are shown if Dialpad Ai is Enabled. If you do not see these metrics, see our article on how to enable Ai here.

    “What’s happening on your Calls” (Custom Moments): When you enable Dialpad Ai you can track your own keywords with Custom Moments. Your weekly email will show you the number of calls where the custom moment was triggered. The top 6 custom moments ranked by percent change are shown.

    Positive Sentiment: Total number of times the customer says something generally positive. Use this to celebrate successes with your team.

    Negative Sentiment: Total number of times the customer says something generally negative. Use this to identify coaching opportunities.

    Customer Questions: Total number of customer questions. 

    Competitor Mentions: Total number of times a customer mentions a competitor defined in your company dictionary.

    Frequently asked questions 

    What is the difference between missed call stats for Departments vs Contact Centers?

    Missed calls (Contact Centers)

    Inbound calls where the call rang out to your available agents but they didn't accept the call.

    Missed Calls (Departments and Main line)

    Inbound calls where Dialpad attempted to ring an operator but the operator didn't answer.

    What's the difference between an Abandoned call and a Missed call?

    With a missed call, there are available agents who have been rung out to and they simply missed the call.

    In an abandoned call, Dialpad never rang out to any agent because there were no agents available (or the other scenarios outlined under Abandoned).

    Things look different than what I am used to, why?

    Dialpad takes user feedback very seriously, and after hearing your thoughts on our definitions, we reworked the foundation on which we base our analytics. On August 12th, 2022, we launched our improved analytics definitions. Make sure to read about it here

    What's the difference between Average Call Duration (ACD) and Average Ai Voice Duration (Avg_Ai Voice Duration)?

    The ACD does not include your wrap-up time, it only calculates the connected time (including time spent in a hold queue).

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