Adjust Your Meetings Settings
    • 28 Jun 2024
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    Adjust Your Meetings Settings

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    Article summary

    Dialpad Meetings lets users adjust their meeting settings in a few clicks. You can modify your meeting URL, PIN settings, audio greeting, hold music, and other areas to customize the experience.

    From the Dialpad Meetings dashboard, navigate to Settings to see the full list of meeting settings.


    Meeting settings availability and customization options for individual users depend on the permissions enabled by your Admin.

    Change meeting URL

    To change your meeting URL, head to your Dialpad Meetings settings.

    1. Navigate to Personal room URL

    2. Select Change 

    3. Enter the new meeting URL (minimum of 5 characters)

    4. Select Confirm 

    Enable Meeting PIN

    Add another level of security with a Meeting PIN.

    To add a PIN requirement for participants, head to your Dialpad Meetings Settings.

    1. Navigate to Require a PIN to join?

    2. Select the toggle to enable a PIN 

    3. Select Confirm 

    Find more information on how to manage your Meeting PIN in this Help Center article.


    Get in touch with our Dialpad Meetings Support Team to change your meeting phone number.

    Audio greeting

    Set an audio greeting that participants will hear before they join your meetings.


    To use an audio greeting, you must be a Dialpad Meetings Business user, and an Admin must enable the Custom Greeting setting.

    Choose between Dialpad Meetings' default audio greeting, or select a custom greeting.

    To set a customized audio greeting:

    1. Select Upload audio file 

    2. Select the file from your device 


    The audio file must be an MP3 and must not exceed 10MB in size.

    Hold music

    Choose what music you want participants to hear while waiting for the meeting to start.


    To customize your hold music, you'll need a Dialpad Meetings Business license, and an Admin must enable the Custom hold music setting.

    To customize your hold music:

    1. Select Upload audio file

    2. Select the file from your device


    The audio file must be an MP3, and cannot exceed 10MB in size.

    Call recording greeting

    Use a call recording greeting to inform participants when a meeting is being recorded.

    When enabled, all participants will hear 'This meeting is being recorded' when the recording is turned on.


    Don't forget to pay attention to your local legislation. If the call recording greeting is turned off and your state requires notification, you must verbally inform the meeting participants.

    Auto-lock & waiting room

    Use Dialpad’s auto-lock feature to lock your meetings after a set time.

    Once a meeting is locked, users who attempt to join your meeting will be sent to your waiting room, where they will wait until you, or a Co-Host, lets them in.


    Meetings can be auto-locked as soon as the meeting starts, or after a specific period of time.

    Select the timing from the auto—lock interval drop-down menu.


    Your hold music will play when anyone is in your waiting room. 

    Meeting countdown timer

    Set a meeting timer to keep meetings on track by showing the remaining time, helping everyone stay focused and finish on time.


    Keep in mind that while the organizer needs a Dialpad Meetings Business license, any participant may view, set, and stop a meeting timer.

    App preference

    Choose which app you want to use as your default app for meetings: the Dialpad Meeting app , or your browser.

    To set your app preference, head to your Dialpad Meetings settings:

    1. Navigate to Always open meetings in

    2. Select your app preference from the drop-down menu



    Some companies can't use third-party software due to compliance rules. The App preference lets users start Dialpad Meetings from the desktop app instead of a browser.

    Other meeting settings

    Dialpad Meetings offers a range of additional settings, giving you more control over how your meetings experience.

    Under the main settings, you'll find a variety of other settings that can be turned on or off.

    • Allow meetings to start without me:  Lets meetings begin before you (the organizer) arrive.

      • When this setting is turned off, participants will be sent to your waiting room until you arrive.

    • Allow participants to take over screen share: Allows participants to take control of the screen share without interrupting the current presenter.

    • Allow participants to screen share: Allows participants to share their screen during your meeting.

    • Allow participants to request screen control: Participants can request to take over the screen share, prompting the organizer to accept or deny the request.

    • Allow participants to mute other meeting participants: Gives all participants muting controls during a meeting.

    • Enable automatic recording: Automatically turns on meeting recording.

      • Video recording is limited to Dialpad Meetings Business.

    • Turn on Ai during meetings: Ensures all your meetings start with Dialpad Ai turned on.

    • Enable meeting chat logs: Saves the chat transcripts and stores them in the call summary.

    • Only organizer & co-hosts can access recording: Ensures that only you (the organizer) and your co-host can access the meeting summary, including the option to play or download recorded audio.

    • Only organizer & co-hosts can access chat logs: Ensures that only you (the organizer) and your co-host can access your call summary, including the option to view chat logs.

    • Play entry/exit chimes during call: Plays an audible chime to the organizer each time a person joins their meeting, and a different sound as the last 5 participants leave.

      • When turned off, there will only be an audible chime when the first person joins your meeting.

    • Allow co-hosts with access to organizer controls: Allows other participants to have organizer privileges during an active meeting.

    • Turn off mic while joining a meeting: Your mic will automatically be muted when you join a meeting.

    • Turn off camera while joining a meeting: Your camera will automatically be turned off when you join a meeting.


      Some of these toggles require a Dialpad Meetings Business license, and team members may need to request them as an option through their Admin.

    Spam prevention

    Use the Spam Prevention settings to control which calls are seen as spam and how they are handled in Dialpad Meetings.


    For more details on spam prevention, please refer to this Help Center article.


    Set your preferred language to use for Dialpad Meetings.


    Time zone

    Set your Dialpad Meetings timezone by selecting the timezone from the drop-down menu.



    Select Display all time zones to see other time zones worldwide.

    My Notifications

    Your personal Dialpad Meetings notifications are also available on the Settings page.

    Check out how Meeting notifications work in this Help Center article.

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