Field mapping for Dialpad Call Activity in Salesforce
    • 13 Dec 2024
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    Field mapping for Dialpad Call Activity in Salesforce

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    Article summary

    Customized reports require customized data. Use Dialpad Call Log Custom Object to discover trends and dig into the details of your calls. 

    Every Dialpad call eligible to be logged in a connected Salesforce instance creates a Dialpad Call Log record in Salesforce.

    To configure field mapping for Dialpad call activities, first, install the latest version of the Dialpad for Salesforce package in Salesforce.

    Let's dive into the details. 

    Who can use this

    Dialpad Sell and Dialpad Support users can use this feature, as well as Dialpad Connect users with Pro and Enterprise plans.

    Before a Dialpad Call Log Custom Object can be used, you'll need to contact our Customer Care Team to have the feature enabled. 

    Dialpad Call Log Custom Object 

    The Dialpad Call Log is a Custom Object in the Dialpad managed package that captures Dialpad call details and notes them in Salesforce. 

    Using the chosen Dialpad call information, this Custom Object creates a Call Activity Record (Task Activity) in Salesforce.


    Use Dialpad Call Log objects to create call reports & dashboards in Salesforce and measure KPIs specific to your call centers & agents.

    The Dialpad Custom Call Log Object is managed in your Salesforce Object Manager.

    Sample reports

    Use sample reports to get an idea of what can be exported. 

    Access your sample reports from your Dialpad Dashboards. 


    Remember, these reports are built on top of the Dialpad Call Log object, so you will only see data if you start using the newly released updates.

    Configuring field mapping

    Salesforce Admins can map fields from the Dialpad call log object to a Task object, ensuring that the call information captured makes the most sense for your organization.

    Let's take a look at how to configure field mapping. 

    1. Navigate to your Dialpad Lightning tab
    2. Select Setup Manager
    3. Select Settings
    4. Expand Call Activity Field Mapping 
    5. Select the Task fields of your choice
    6. Select Save 

    Once you've saved your preferences, all proceeding calls will capture the call information detailed in your selected Task fields.

    Available fields 

    Dialpad offers a wide variety of fields that can be mapped in Salesforce. 

    Find our available fields and their definitions listed below. 

    • Agent Name: The call operator's display name.
    • Ai Summary: Ai Recap of the call. 
    • Ai Action Items: The Action Items detected in a call.
    • Ai Call Purpose: Ai Call Purpose, accessible in the Ai Recap object.
    • Ai CSAT: The Ai CSAT score. 
    • Ai Outcome: The outcome of the call, generated along with the Ai Recap.
    • Ai Playbook adherence: Numeric value that explains how much a rep adhered to the Ai Playbook.
    • Account Timezone: The Timezone of the account. 
    • Call disposition notes: Notes from the logged call disposition.
    • Call Duration(In Seconds): Total duration of the call, in seconds.
    • Call End Time: The call's end date.
    • Call From: The phone number that was used to dial the call.
    • Call Quality Rating: The MOS call quality score provided by the user.
    • Call Recording URL: The call recording's shareable URL.
    • Call Result: The call disposition value. 
    • Call Start Time: The time when the call started. 
    • Call To: The number that was dialed.
    • Call Type: The call direction (inbound, outbound etc).
    • CallId: Unique call ID
    • Comments: Notes written by the agent during the call 
    • Connected Duration:The length of time the call was connected to an operator.
    • Contact Timezone: The timezone of the contact. 
    • CSAT Score: The CSAT score.
    • Dialing Duration: The length of time spent dialing before the call was answered. 
    • Dialpad Agents: Dialpad Agents who participated in the call. 
    • Dialpad Call Center: The Dialpad Contact Center that handled the call. 
    • Due Date: Call activity date (the day the call occured).
    • Hold Duration: The amount of time the caller was on hold. 
    • IsDialpadCallLog: Confirms the object is a Dialpad Call Log (this will always be true).
    • isCreatedFromDialpad: Confirms if the call was created from Dialpad.
    • isValidatedCall: Confirms if the call was connected between two parties where both spoke for longer than 1 minute (ie a valid conversation). 
    • Lead Timezone: Timezone of the lead. 
    • Object Name: Name of the Dialpad contact. 
    • Opportunity Timezone: Timezone of the Opportunity. 
    • Parent Object Id: ID of the connected Salesforce instance.
    • PhoneNumber: Dialpad target number.
    • Powerdialer Assigned List: The name of the Powerdialer List that the number is assigned to.
    • Powerdialer Dialed List: The name of the Powerdialer List that the call was dialed from. 
    • Queued Duration: Amount of time the caller spent in a queue. 
    • Related Object Ids: The Salesforce ID of the related object (if selected). 
    • Ringing Duration: The time spent in a ringing state (before the call was answered). 
    • Routing Duration: The time spent in transit (routing) before being answered.
    • Status: Call status (this will always be listed as Complete). 
    • Subject: The subject listed by the agent. If no status was provided, the default status will be listed. 
    • Target Name: The name of the call's target.
    • Task Subtype: The value 'Call' will be updated for every log.
    • Time of call: The call's start date.
    • Total Number of Times Dialed: The total number of times the number was dialed. 
    • Type:  The value 'Call' will be updated for every log.

    Field data types

    Let's go over the data types for our most used fields. 

    Account fields

    Field NameData Type
    Account TimezoneText (255 characters)
    Powerdialer Assigned ListLong Text Area (1000 characters)
    Powerdialer Dialed ListLong Text Area (1000 characters)
    Powerdialer Last Dialed via Lookup (Dialpad LOAC)
    Total Number of Times Dialed Number (18, 0)

    Contact fields

    Field NameData Type
    Contact TimezoneText (255 characters)
    Powerdialer Assigned ListLong Text Area (1000 characters)
    Powerdialer Dialed ListLong Text Area (1000 characters)
    Powerdialer Last Dialed via Lookup (Dialpad LOAC)
    Total Number of Times Dialed Number (18, 0)

    Lead fields

    Field NameData Type
    Lead TimezoneText (255 characters)
    Powerdialer Assigned ListLong Text Area (1000 characters)
    Powerdialer Dialed ListLong Text Area (1000 characters)
    Powerdialer Last Dialed via Lookup (Dialpad LOAC)
    Total Number of Times Dialed Number (18, 0)

    Opportunity fields

    Field NameData Type
    Opportunity TimezoneText (255 characters)
    Powerdialer Assigned ListLong Text Area (1000 characters)
    Powerdialer Dialed ListLong Text Area (1000 characters)
    Powerdialer Last Dialed via Lookup (Dialpad LOAC)
    Total Number of Times Dialed Number (18, 0)

    Task and Activity fields

    Field NameData Type
    Call End Time Date/Time
    Call Recording URL Text (255 characters)
    Call Start TimeDate/Time
    CallIdText (32 characters)
    Dialpad Agent Lookup (Dialpad Agents)
    Dialpad Call CenterLookup (Dialpad Call Center)
    Dialpad ListLookup (Dialpad List)
    PhoneNumberText (50 characters)
    Ai Call PurposeLong Text (1000 characters)
    Ai CSATNumber (1-100)
    Ai OutcomeLong Text (1000 characters)
    Ai Playbook AdherencePercentage
    To see the Dialpad Ai fields (except for Ai Summary and Ai Action Items), you'll need to configure them in your field mapping. Once mapped, you'll see these fields noted on the call task.
    Due to Task formatting restrictions, Ai Summary and Ai Action Items cannot be displayed in a Task.

    Call Tasks are created in Salesforce, not Dialpad.  As Dialpad does not store these records, we cannot backfill previous calls.

    Call log fields

    Field NameData Type
    Lead TimezoneText (255 characters)
    Powerdialer Assigned ListLong Text Area (1000 characters)
    Powerdialer Dialed ListLong Text Area (1000 characters)
    Powerdialer Last Dialed via Lookup (Dialpad LOAC)
    Total Number of Times Dialed Number (18, 0)
    Ai Action ItemRich Text (132, 072)
    Ai Call PurposeLong Text (1000 characters)
    Ai CSATNumber (1 - 100)
    Ai OutcomeLong Text (1000 characters)
    Ai Playbook AdherencePercentage
    Ai Summary Rich Text (132, 072)



    The 6 Dialpad Ai Call Log fields became available to all users on March 15, 2024.
    If you started using Dialpad for Salesforce after March 15, 2024, you will see a new section called Dialpad Ai on the page layout.

    If you started using Dialpad for Salesforce before March 15, 2024, you'll need to create a new section and add the Ai fields manually.
    From your Salesforce Lightening App Builder, search for Dialpad Ai. Select DialpadAi, drag and drop it into the desired position, then select Save.



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