HD Calling
    • 22 Feb 2024
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    HD Calling

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    Article summary

    HD calling, also known as VoIP, allows inbound and outbound calls to be made over the internet instead of through a carrier. There are several benefits to using HD calling, including lower costs, the ability to save on cell minutes, WiFi calling when cell reception is poor, free international calling to other Dialpad users, and full access to call controls. Users have the option to turn HD calling on or off for both inbound and outbound calls, and can even choose to be prompted before making outbound calls. When using an HD connection, users will see an HD Call button. For more information and resources on HD calling, additional resources are available.

    With HD calling or VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), inbound and outbound calls happen over the internet instead of through your carrier.

    Let's go over the details.

    Why use HD calling?

    There's many reasons why HD calling can benefit your communication needs, like:

    • Lower cost/save on cell minutes
    • WiFi calling when cell reception is spotty
    • Free international calling to other Dialpad users
    • Full access to call controls (hold, transfer, record, etc.)

    What are my options?

    You'll have the option to turn HD calling on/off for inbound and outbound calls. We even give you the option to be prompted before placing outbound calls. 

    You'll see the HD Call button when you're calling via an HD connection.

    Learn more about mobile calling here.

    Additional Resources

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