Export Guide: Total Calls To and From a Number
    • 04 Apr 2024
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    Export Guide: Total Calls To and From a Number

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    Article Summary

    The content explains how to use the call logs export feature to easily find calls from specific phone numbers. This can help identify potential client and agent blockers and understand the customer agent journey. To export call logs, users need to go to their admin portal, navigate to the Analytics section, select a user or group, choose a desired date range, and then select "Export" followed by "Call Logs" and "Send report." The exported CSV file will contain the call logs. To find incoming calls from a specific number, users can filter the data on the exported CSV file by selecting "Inbound" in the Direction column and choosing the desired phone number in the External number column. Similarly, to find outgoing calls to a specific number, users can filter the data by selecting "Outbound" in the Direction column and choosing the desired phone number in the External number column.

    Use the call logs export to easily find calls from specific phone numbers. Knowing exactly how many times a number was called helps identify potential client and agent blockers and better understand the customer-agent journey. 

    Who can use this feature

    Dialpad admins and users with Analytics permission can export office-wide call data.

    Individual users can export their own call analytics data.

    Export call logs

    To export your call logs, head to your admin portal at Dialpad.com

    1. Navigate to the Analytics section

    2. Select a User or group

    3. Select a desired date range

    4. Select Export (.csv)

    5. Select Call Logs

    6. Select Send report

    That's it! You'll receive a download link with a CSV file containing the call logs.

    Incoming calls from a number

    To find incoming calls from a specific number, filter the data on your exported CSV file.

    1. Navigate to the Direction column

    2. Select the Inbound filter

    3. Navigate to External_number column

    4. Select the phone number to filter the data

    Once the filters are selected, the data will display the details of incoming calls from that specific number.

    Dialpad tip:

    Call logs don't collect contact names, only phone numbers.

    Outgoing call to a number

    To find outgoing calls to a specific number, filter the data on your exported CSV file:

    1. Navigate to the Direction column

    2. Select Outbound on the filter

    3. Navigate to External_number column

    4. Select a phone number to filter the data

    Once the filters are selected, the data will display the details of outgoing calls to that specific number.

    Dialpad tip

    Filter the Name column to view a specific user or group.

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