Analytics FAQs
    • 11 Sep 2024
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    Analytics FAQs

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    Article summary

    Data analytics provides a competitive advantage in business, but it can be confusing. FAQs address topics like duration metrics, missed call discrepancies, room phone activity, text message calculations, time zones, office time zone settings, Ai CSAT filtering, exporting statistics vs. call logs, and changes in analytics definitions. Key points include duration metrics in minutes, missed call differences between departments and contact centers, internal text message calculations, timezone discrepancies, and changes in analytics definitions as of Aug 12th, 2022.

    There's no doubt that data analytics provides a competitive advantage to drive business value. But, analytics can be a  confusing topic for many. So let's go through some of the most frequently asked questions. 

    What unit of time does a 'duration' metrics use?

    For any duration metric (call_duration, ringing_duration, etc) time is displayed in minutes. 

    For example, a call duration of 0.25 equals 0.25 of 1 minute (15 seconds).

    How come when I filter for Department Calls, the totals for missed calls don't match my exported list?

    Your analytics dashboard will show slightly different stats than your exported Department/Call Center stats. 

    That's because the dashboard only displays the missed calls at the Department/Call Center level, while the exported list shows the number of missed calls at the Operator/Agent level.

    Think of it like this: A call that comes into a Department/Call Center may be missed by one Operator/Agent but picked up by another, thus why an Operator/Agent can show a higher number of missed calls than what's being reported on the Department/Call Center level.

    Are missed call stats for Departments and Contact Centers different?

    Yes. For Contact Centers, a missed call is an inbound call where we rang out to your available Agents but they didn't accept the call. The difference between a missed call and an abandoned call is that with a missed call, there are available agents who have been rung out to (and they simply missed the call). 

    In an abandoned call, Dialpad never rang out to any agent because no agents were available (or the other scenarios outlined under Abandoned). 

    For Departments and Main Lines, a missed call is an inbound call where Dialpad attempted to ring an Operator, but the Operator didn't answer.

    How can I view call activity for a room phone?

    To view your room phone's call activity, make sure that your Entire Office is selected from your drop-down. Select your timeframe, then select Export Statistics

    When you open your exported file, sort the data based on name or target_type to view calls handled with a room phone.

    How are 'Text Messages - Inside Office' calculated?

    'Text Messages - Inside Office' are messages sent internally, meaning between two users within your Office.

    Keep in mind that messaging within a Department to another internal user will also count towards this metric. However, if your Department Operators are messaging a Department contact (i.e. someone outside of your Office) then that would count towards the External Contacts instead.

    Why does the time zone seem off?

    If you're noticing that your timezone seems to be off when looking at your analytics, it may be because your personal timezone (under > Profile> Timezone) is different from your office timezone.

    By default, your analytics will use your office's timezone when displaying metrics. This way, whether you are the office admin or a department admin, you are seeing metrics that are based on a consistent reporting method.

    If we have multiple offices, which office timezone is the default?

    The timezone that appears in your report will be the timezone of your office.

    Think of each office as its own separate entity. For example, office A's timezone is EST and office B's timezone is PST. When the admin from office B looks at their analytics, they'll see their default timezone as PST, Likewise, office A will see theirs as EST.

    How do I change my office's timezone?

    Company and Office Admins can change an Office timezone from their Dialpad Admin Portal. 

    1. Navigate to Office
    2. Select Main Line
    3. Select Business Hours & Call Handling 
    4. Navigate to Timezone
    5. Choose a timezone 
      1. Select Display all time zones if you don't see your timezone listed in the drop-down menu

    Why can't I filter for Ai CSAT and multiple Contact Centers?

    Ai CSAT data does not permit multi-target searching. 

    What's the difference between exporting statistics and call logs?

    Exporting Call Logs

    • Exports call metrics aggregated by the user and date level (day/month, etc.)
    • More of a detailed breakdown of your Top User leaderboard

    Exporting Statistics

    • Exports call metrics aggregated by the call direction (inbound/outbound) and date level (day/month, etc.)
    • A more detailed breakdown of specific calls 

    Why do yesterday's details not show the full 24 hours?

    When you filter for yesterday's analytics, Dialpad will display complete results no later than 4 AM for the timezone you're in.

    Did my analytics change?

    Depending on how far back you're looking, they might have. On Aug 12th, 2022, we implemented changes to our analytics definitions to provide you with a more granular view of your team's interactions. Be sure to read this Help Center article to learn more. 

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