Analytics for Deleted Users
    • 24 Jan 2024
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    Analytics for Deleted Users

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    Article summary

    Find out how removing a team member affects your Analytics. Learn how these changes affect key areas like call history, in-app view, recordings and exported data.

    Let's explore the things we can learn from these changes.

    Analytics - office

    From the Analytics menu, you'll see changes in your leaderboards and shared line menus.

    When you check different offices, you'll notice that deleted users' statistics remain on the leaderboard, but their names are replaced by a User ID and marked as (deleted). The calls made by those deleted users still count in the overall numbers on the analytics leaderboard.

    Call metrics remain unchanged.

    Analytics - shared line

    When you look at a department, coaching teams, or contact centers, once a user is deleted, everything you see stays the same. The summary metrics displayed will remain constant, and deleting a user won't impact them.

    Call history

    After a user is deleted, their call history, voice recordings, and call transcripts will remain in the system until data anonymization occurs. Data anonymization is determined by the retention policy that has been applied to the type of data. For more information, see the article on Data Retention Policy

    Before anonymization, calls to or from a deleted user will still be shown on the call history screen, but the name and profile picture associated with the call will be removed.

    Before deletion, the call history page shows a call made to the contact center that was answered by an agent.

    After the user has been deleted, but before the retention period has passed, the call leg no longer shows the user’s name.

    After the retention period has passed, these calls are also removed from the call history page.

    Dialpad tip:
    You can't filter for a deleted user's calls in the Call History page. Instead, go to the Analytics page and select the deleted user on the leaderboard summary to view their anonymized calls.


    For contact centers, departments, and coaching teams, you can still see the call in the All and Recordings tabs. 

    You can play the recording, and the contact history remains, but the Ai call summary and transcription will no longer be available.


    Once a user is deleted, the exported data won't include the usernames or email addresses of the user. The call records and metrics will remain intact.

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