Download a Timesheet
    • 13 Dec 2024
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    Download a Timesheet

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    Article summary

    Once you've created a schedule for your team in Dialpad WFM, the next step is to track and report on those hours. Dialpad WFM allows you to easily download CSV files containing detailed information about scheduled and reported shifts, breaks, and activities.

    Let's dive into the details.

    Who can use this

    Dialpad WFM is available to all Dialpad users.

    Contact your Customer Success Manager to discuss adding Dialpad WFM to your plan.

    Download a timesheet

    Timesheets can be customized to display shift details for individual teams or agents over specific time periods.

    To download a timesheet, head to the Reports section of Dialpad WFM.

    1. Select Timesheets

    2. Select which agents you want to be included on the timesheet

      1. You can choose an individual, a team, or everyone.

    3. Select which type of data you want to download:

      1. A Breakdown of each shift displays the exact start and end time of every shift that was worked.

        1. This is best for reporting on individual days or to see when agents clocked in or out.

      2. A cumulative summary totals all the agent’s hours for the selected dates.

        1. This is best for reporting on longer periods of time, or doing your end-of-month payroll report.

    4. Select the date range

      1. You can select a period of 1 to 31 days.

    5. Select Download (.csv)


    Gain more insights by adding the following data to your timesheets:

    • Include breaks: Lets you see if agents had paid or unpaid breaks.

    • Include activities: Lets you track activity distribution per agent.

    • Include deleted agents: Lets you see data for deleted agents (this is helpful to finalize payroll).

    • Include time off: Lets you consolidate schedule data with synced time off from your time off integrations.

    If you have time reporting enabled for any agents on your team, you’ll also see their reported time within the timesheet.

    Understanding your timesheet

    Lets look at what each column of your timesheet contains.

    Breakdown of each shift

    • shift_date: The date the shift was scheduled, or that overtime took place.

    • first_name, last_name, email, surfer_timezone: The agent’s identifying information.

    • shift_name: The name of the scheduled shift.

    • utc_scheduled_start/end: When the shift was scheduled to start and end.

      • If an agent reported overtime, these columns will be empty.

    • utc_reported_start/end: when this surfer reported that they started or ended this shift.

      • If an agent forgot to report on their shift, these columns will be empty.

    • total_scheduled: The total amount of scheduled hours.

    • total_reported: The total amount of hours reported by the agent.

    • break: Hours scheduled for break.

    • activity: Hours scheduled for the activity.

    A cumulative summary

    • Period: The date range that hours are being counted for.

    • First name, Last name, Email, Timezone: The agent’s identifying information.

    • Weekly contract: The weekly contracted hours from the agent’s profile.

    • Shift count: The number of shifts scheduled in the chosen period.

    • Total scheduled hours: The total number of hours scheduled for the agent.

    • Total reported hours: the total number of hours reported by the agent.

      • This will count all completed reports (i.e. clocked in and out) by the agent. Any incomplete or missing reports will be excluded.

    • Total break: The total time scheduled on breaks.

    • Break: Hours scheduled for the break.

    • Total activity: Total time scheduled on activities.

    • Activity: Hours scheduled for the activity.

    Frequently asked questions

    What timezone is on the timesheet?

    All times displayed in timesheets are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This standardized time format facilitates accurate tracking and reporting across different time zones, making it easier to manage multiple time zones.

    The timezone of your Dialpad WFM account will determine which days are exported. The data will include all shifts that start within the chosen date range, regardless of their completion time. This ensures that overnight shifts and cross-timezone schedules are accurately accounted for.

    How do I see when surfers clocked in or out?

    Any time reports are automatically included in Dialpad’s timesheets.

    To view the specific times that an agent clocks in or out of a shift, download a 'breakdown of each shift' timesheet. In this view, you can compare their scheduled start and end times to their reported start and end time.

    To get a cumulative view of your agent’s reported hours, download a 'cumulative summary' timesheet. In this view, all the agent’s reported hours will be totaled alongside their scheduled hours (total_scheduled) under the reported hours (total_reported)


    If an agent forgets to clock out or complete their time report, the cell in the timesheet CSV will be labelled as incomplete. If there are any incomplete reports, the total_reported time won't be filled in the cumulative summary.

    How do I track overtime?

    When you export a 'cumulative summary' timesheet, the agent’s contracted hours will be listed as a column in the CSV, so you can easily compare it to the scheduled hours for that period.  

    If you enable 'overtime any time' reporting for your team, then any unscheduled overtime for an agent will also be included in either timesheet.

    In a 'breakdown of each shift' timesheet, the start and end times of any overtime shifts will be listed. There will not be any times listed in the scheduled_start or scheduled_end columns so it's easy to identify overtime.

    In a 'cumulative summary' timesheet, overtime hours will be totalled in the reported hours (total_reported) column.

    How do I see which breaks or activities were scheduled?

    When you build a timesheet, you can choose to include breaks and/or activities.

    When you do this, a column will be added to the CSV for each break and activity in your Surfboard account.

    • Breaks will be labelled as break_[name]

      • e.g. break_lunch

    • Activities will be labelled as activity_[name]

      • e.g. activity_phones

    • Calendar events are also included and are all grouped under activity_calendar_event

      • The individual calendar event names won't be listed.

    How can I export time off?

    When you download a timesheet, you can choose to include time off.

    In the CSV, refer to the ‘type’ column to identify shifts or time off.

    If a time off booking spans multiple days, then it will be combined into one row. Refer to the utc_scheduled_start and utc_scheduled_end for the exact details.

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