Ai Scorecards
    • 14 May 2024
    • 9 Minutes to read
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    Ai Scorecards

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    Article summary

    Let's talk about Quality Assurance (QA). Continual coaching and actively monitoring your team's performance leads to heightened customer service, enhanced client retention, and employee motivation.

    Ai scorecards removes the manual legwork and ensure all of your contact center calls are graded with an objective and actionable grading tool. 

    Not only that, there’s minimal set-up required — Dialpad provides out-of-the-box templates, letting you get started right away!

    The icing on the cake? You can do all of this within the Dialpad app!

    Let's dive into the details.

    Who can use this feature

    Ai scorecards can be used in contact centers and coaching teams, for users with Ai Contact Center and Ai Sales accounts.

    Contact us today to enable Ai scorecards for your team (there is an additional fee for this feature). 

    Create a scorecard

    Create a traditional Ai scorecard, or add Ai questions to your scorecard. When Ai questions are used, every call is graded by Dialpad Ai, removing the need for managers to spend hours a week manually reviewing calls or shadowing agents.

    To use Ai Questions, you'll need to ensure that Dialpad Ai is turned on.

    Ai must be enabled at the company level before you can configure Ai preferences for offices, contact centers, individual users, and coaching groups. 

    If you don’t see the Ai option in your settings, reach out to your admin. 

    To create an Ai scorecard, navigate to Admin Settings from

    1. Select Ai Scorecards
    2. Select Create Scorecard
    3. Enter the name and description of your scorecard
    4. Select which contact center or coaching team can use the scorecard
      1. Scorecards can be applied to a single contact center or coaching team, or multiple
      2. Unless otherwise specified, a scorecard is assigned to all contact centers and coaching teams
    5. Choose if you'd like to use Ai questions
      1. If you want a scorecard with Ai questions and traditional questions, you need to select Ai Questions when creating the scorecard
      2. If Ai questions is not selected, Dialpad Ai will not grade the call
    6. Select Create scorecard
    7. Add questions, and be sure to press Save after each one
      1. Enter the value points, skipping options, mandatory fields, and failure notes
      2. If you're using Ai questions, review and add trigger words/phrases
        1. If trigger words/phrases are not added, Dialpad Ai will not be able to grade the call 
    8. Once you've finished adding questions, select Publish
    9. When prompted, select Yes, publish now to complete the scorecard creation process

    That's it! Your scorecard is now active and will appear in your scorecard inventory. 

    Question content

    Every question must have the following components:

    1. Question title:  Question or statement to be considered when grading the call
    2. Response type: Yes/no, agreement (Likert), frequency (Likert), importance (Likert), likelihood (Likert), or quality (Likert)
      1. Ai questions can only be yes/no. If you choose a different response type, the question will revert to a traditional (non-Ai) question and will not be scored by Ai
    3. Responses: Responses are auto-filled to match the response type chosen but are customizable 
    4. Points: Point value given for each response

    Get granular by adding any of the following optional question features:

    1. Add a comment: Open the text box allowing graders to add comments
      • The comment field can be marked as required or optional.
      • A comment field can be added for each question — all grading comments appear on the detailed scorecard exports.
    2. Allow question to be skipped: Marks the question as N/A without affecting the agent's overall score
    3. Automatically fail entire scorecard for certain responses:  When selected, this feature automatically fails the entire scorecard, giving the agent a 0% grade
      • A scorecard can have multiple questions marked to be automatically failed.
    4. Save question as a template: Saves the Ai question, allowing you to re-use it in different scorecards

    Each scorecard must have a unique name.

    Once a scorecard has been created, it cannot be edited.

    Archive a scorecard

    Workflows adapt, and your scorecard needs will change as your company grows. Ai scorecards can be archived, which maintains the card's analytics data.

    To archive a scorecard, head to your Admin Settings from 

    1. Navigate to Ai Scorecards 
    2. Select the scorecard you would like to archive
    3. Select Archive 
    4. When prompted, select Yes, Archive to archive the scorecard —remember this action is not reversible

    Archived scorecards can be reviewed at any time and easily using the Archived filter.

    Duplicate a scorecard 

    Need to create a copy of a scorecard? Not to worry, duplicating Ai Scorecards is a piece of cake. 

    To duplicate an Ai scorecard, head to your Admin Settings from

    1. Navigate to Ai Scorecards
    2. Select the scorecard you want to duplicate
    3. Select Duplicate
    4. Review the copy of the scorecard, then select Publish
    5. When prompted, select Yes, publish now

    Grade an interaction

    Ai questions are automatically graded with Dialpad Ai pre-selecting answers based on the conversation, all the supervisors, contact center admins, or coaches need to do is review the Ai-assigned grade, and review any traditional (non-Ai) questions. 

    Currently, only contact center and coaching team calls can be graded — you cannot grade department or mainline calls. 

    To grade a call:

    1. Navigate to Call History 
    2. Choose the call you want to grade
    3. Select Grade Call from the menu options
      • This will open the call summary view
    4. Select the desired scorecard, then select Next
      1. If the scorecard has any Ai questions, you'll see what percentage was completed by Ai
      2. Scorecards with the highest completion rate are listed first
      3. You'll only see the scorecards that have been applied to the contact center or coaching team that the call belongs to
    5. Fill out the scorecard, reviewing and updating Ai questions as needed
      1. On the left, the Moments sidebar tells you how many times each Ai question was triggered. Click on each Ai question to see where in the transcript the question was triggered. See why Ai suggested a response by clicking on the Suggested by Ai answer on the scorecard. This will take you to the exact moment in the conversation where the trigger word was mentioned. 
      2. If the trigger word was mentioned multiple times, you can click on the Suggested by Ai answer multiple times to navigate through each moment of the transcript.
    6. Select Submit grade, or Submit & share

    Once the grade has been submitted, the supervisor can view the grade details in the Web Call History view.

    Each scorecard has an Overall Searchable comment field, which also displays the detailed exports. Comments entered here are searchable in the call history as well as in analytics. 

    If a call has screen capture enabled, you can listen to the recording and view the screen capture within the call summary view. 

    Choose the screen you’d like to watch and press play (that’s the purple triangle), and you’ll be able to obtain the complete perspective of the call.

    Our Dialpad Ai can only detect 'Yes' answers during a call. It cannot identify 'No' responses or give a grade for the call automatically.

    Stay tuned as we improve the functionality of Ai Scorecards for grading all questions and automatically submitting a grade.

    Finding graded interactions

    Supervisors can search for graded interactions based on contact centers or agents.

    To easily find graded interactions:

    1. Navigate to Call History
    2. Select More Filters
    3. Select Ai Scorecards
    4. Choose your desired filters, then select Apply

    From the Ai Scorecard search filter, you can search by the following criteria:

    • Graded/Not Graded by (anyone): Displays calls that have been graded by you or a fellow supervisor, admin, or coach.  
      • Your ability to search for grades submitted by another user depends on your permissions.
    • Ai Scorecard: Displays calls graded by a specific scorecard.
    • Grade Score: Displays calls graded with a specific score range.
    • Search Overall Call Feedback: Displays calls based on the overall feedback noted. The search query must match the feedback entered when the grade was submitted.
    • Date Graded: Displays calls graded within a certain date range.
    • Grader: Displays calls graded by a specific grader.

    Graders can view all of their grades scheduled to be sent by selecting View Schedule on any call they have graded. 

    A pop-up will appear, noting which graded scorecards will be sent out on what date. 

    Select the drop-down menu to change between all agents or specific agents. 

    Regardless of the selected search filter, all search filters are based on the date of the call.

    Access graded scorecards

    Contact Center Admins, Supervisors and Coaches can view and learn how others evaluate agents' scorecards.

    Enable for Coaching Teams

    To enable Coaching Team Coaches to access graded scorecards, you'll need to be a Company or Office Admin.

    Head to your Admin Settings from

    1. Navigate to Coaching Teams
    2. Select a Coaching Team
    3. Navigate to Advanced Settings
    4. Select Allow Coaches to see details of scorecards for this Coaching team when calls are graded by someone else

    Enable for Contact Centers

    To enable Contact Center Supervisors and Admins to access graded scorecards, you'll need to be a Company or Office Admin.

    Head to your Admin Settings from

    1. Navigate to Ai Contact Centers
    2. Select a Contact Center
    3. Select Advanced Settings
    4. Navigate to Admin and Supervisor Settings
    5. Select Allow supervisors to see details of scorecards for this Contact Center when calls are graded by someone else

    Delete a grade

    Need to delete a grade? No problem! However, what you are able to delete depends on your permissions. 

    • Office administrators can delete any grade in their office.
    • Supervisors can only delete grades that they submitted.

    Once a score has been deleted, it will be removed from the Web Call History and Scorecard Analytics data.

    To delete a grade, navigate to Admin Settings from

    1. Navigate to Call History
    2. Select More Filters
    3. Select the Ai Scorecards 
    4. Choose your desired filter, then select Apply
    5. Select the grade to view the scorecard
    6. Select the trashcan icon at the bottom of the scorecard
    7. Select Confirm to confirm deletion 

    Share scores with agents

    Feedback is crucial to prevent habit formation. Supervisors can grade a call and share the score with the agent in real-time, or schedule the grade to be shared at a later date.

    Scores can be shared with the agent via email or Dialbot alert.

    To share a graded call:

    1. Select Share grade
    2. Choose to Share now or Share later
      1. Scheduled sharing sends the grade on the date of your choice, up to 30 days out
    3. Select your sharing method
      1. Grades can be shared via email, Dialbot alert or both
    4. Select Share now

    Once shared, the agent is notified of the grade, the grader, and the call. 


    From the Call Summary page, the agent can view the details of the grade, broken down by question.

    Who can do what 

    There are 4 different Ai Scorecard permission levels:

    • Supervisor 
      • Coaches have the same QA Scorecard permissions as supervisors.
    • Contact center admin
    • Office admin
    • QA grader 

    Let's take a deeper look at user permissions and who can grade which calls. 

    Contact Center SupervisorContact Center AdminOffice Admin
    QA Grader
    Delete grade submitted by another supervisor  
    Delete grade submitted by another contact center admin  
    View basic scorecard details for grades submitted by another supervisor/admin (overall score, who graded it, and when)
    View basic scorecard details and per-question responses for grades submitted by another supervisor/admin *
    Create, duplicate, publish & archive Scorecards
    View analytics
    Export scorecard reports
    Grade contact center or coach team call that the user is monitoring
    Grade contact center or coaching team call the user is not monitoring  
    Edit grade of self-graded call 
    Edit grade submitted by another supervisor****
    Edit grade submitted by another contact center admin****
    Delete grade submitted by user (their own grade)

    Users can have multiple permission types.
    You can only edit grades for calls that you have graded.
    Users can always view the full grades and scorecard details for interactions that they have graded. 

    * Access to graded scorecards details for Contact Center Admins, Supervisors, and Coaches can be enabled by Company or Office admins through the Advanced Settings on the Contact Center and Coaching teams.

    QA Grader

    The QA Grader role contains three permission types:

    1. Scorecard access: All coaching teams - Provides the grader access to all coaching team calls across the entire company
    2. Scorecard access: Contact centers (office) - Provides the grader access to all contact centers calls within their office
    3. Scorecard access: Contact centers (company) - Provides the grader access to all contact center calls across the whole company and can only be assigned by the company (super) admin

    Scorecard analytics

    Dialpad provides supervisors and admins a clear overview of their team's and agent's performance with in-depth scorecard analytics. 

    Learn all about scorecard analytics in this handy Help Center article

    Have questions?
    Check out Dialpad University's free courses covering our products and services, as well as insightful tips and best practices.
    We also have a handy FAQ article to cover common questions.

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