- 14 Feb 2025
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Using the Performance Report
- Updated on 14 Feb 2025
- 7 Minutes to read
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Dialpad WFM’s performance report is your go-to spot for all your team's performance data, giving you the insights you need. It helps you identify areas to improve, use resources more efficiently, and support your team in doing their best work.
Let’s dive into the details.
Who can use this
Dialpad WFM is available to all Dialpad users.
Contact your Customer Success Manager to discuss adding Dialpad WFM to your plan.
Access performance reports
To access your team’s performance reports, go to Dialpad WFM.
Select Reports
Select Performance
Create a report
Use the filters at the top of the Performance page to create a report for different teams and agents for different periods of time.
You can filter by:
Agents or team(s): Selects specific team(s) or agent(s).
Day/Week: Displays data by week or by day.
Date range: Displays data within the selected date range.
Select Today to jump to today and view real-time data.
Use the left and right arrows to move forwards or backwards in time.
Use the global timezone picker in the top navigation bar to view a report in another timezone.
Reports for teams or multiple agents
You can view a performance report for teams or groups of agents by selecting them from the header bar.
When viewing the performance of a team or multiple agents, you'll see overall team metrics, as well as individual scores and a breakdown of performance across various channels and activities.
Hero metrics
The hero metrics at the top of the page displays a summary of the performance of selected agents.
Refer to our metrics definition article for more information.
Here, you can see metrics related to agents’ time and productivity.
Time metrics:
Scheduled time: The total time all agents were assigned to work.
Utilization: The average percentage of time agents were assigned to work on queue activities.
Queue time ÷ Scheduled time.
Time-on-task: The average percentage of time each agent was on-task during their scheduled time.
Occupancy: The average percentage of time each agent stayed on task during their scheduled queue time.
Productive metrics:
Total closed: The total number of contacts that all agents closed.
Closed per hour: The average number of contacts or conversations closed per scheduled hour by all agents.
Total closed ÷ Scheduled time.
Closed per service hour: The average number of contacts agents closed per hour scheduled on queue activities.
Total closed ÷ Scheduled queue time.
Breakdown table
The breakdown table allows you to view and compare individual metrics for each agent or activity.
Agent breakdown
The agent breakdown view displays each agent’s performance metrics. Select the arrow button at the end of each agent’s row to view a detailed report of their own performance.
When viewing reports for today’s date, you will also see an on-task column, which displays if the agent is currently tracked as on or off-task in your integrated systems.
Sort the table by specific metrics to spot under-performers and over-performers, or filter to find and compare agents by specific scores.
Activity breakdown
The activity breakdown view displays performance a summary of agent performance for each of your activities.
Here, you can see:
Scheduled time: Total time scheduled on the activity.
Time-on-task: The average percentage of time agents were on-task when they were scheduled on this activity
Opened: Number of open interactions.
Comment: Number of comment interactions.
On-hold: Number of on-hold interactions.
Closed: Number of closed interactions.
Closed per service hour: The average number of contacts closed per hour scheduled on this queue.
Similar to the agent performance table, you can sort and filter the columns to identify under or over performance.
Reports for individual agents
You can view a performance report for individual agents by selecting them from the header bar.
When viewing the performance of a single agent, you'll see their own metrics, as well as a breakdown of their performance across various channels and activities.
Viewing calendar days or complete shifts
When viewing a report for a single agent on a single day, you can choose to view the reports in two ways to fit your needs.
From the blue bar at the top of the page, you can select:
Calendar days: This will show all data between 0am - 11:59pm for the selected day in the chosen timezone. Any scheduled hours that fall outside of this window, such as an overnight shift, will not be included in the report.
Complete shifts: This will show data for shifts that started on the selected day in the chosen timezone. In this view, you can view the entirety of overnight shifts, and choose to focus in on individual split shifts.
If part of a shift’s hours are cut off in the calendar days view, the affected period will be highlighted. Select the shift to jump to the complete shift view in one-click.
Hero metrics
The hero metrics at the top of the page displays a summary of the agent’s performance.
Refer to our metrics definition article for more information.
Here, you can see metrics related to the agent’s time and productivity.
Time metrics:
Scheduled time: The total time the agent was assigned to work.
Utilization: The average percentage of time theagent were assigned to work on queue activities.
Queue time ÷ Scheduled time.
Time-on-task: The percentage of time the agent was on-task during their scheduled time.
Occupancy: The percentage of time the agent stayed on task during their scheduled queue time.
Productive metrics
Total closed: The total number of contacts the agent closed.
Closed per hour: The average number of contacts or conversations closed per scheduled hour by the agent.
Total closed ÷ Scheduled time.
Closed per service hour: The average number of contacts the agent closed per hour scheduled on the queue.
Total closed ÷ Scheduled queue time.
If you're looking at an agent’s performance for a specific day, you can see a timeline of their shift.
The timeline shows a visual overview of the agent’s tracked activity in integrated systems compared to their schedule. This timeline displays the details of their overall Time-on-task and occupancy scores.
Understanding the timeline
The Schedule row shows the agent’s activity schedule for that day.
Additional rows are shown for each of your integrated customer service platforms, e.g. Dialpad, Zendesk. Each of these rows will display when the agent was on-task, off-task or inactive.
When a queue activity is scheduled:
A green block shows when the agent was on-task as they were tracked working in the system they were scheduled to be in.
An orange block shows when the agent was off-task and working on the wrong activity. This means the agent was working in a system different to the one they were scheduled to be in, e.g. they were scheduled to work in Dialpad but they were working in Zendesk instead.
A red block shows when the agent was off-task and inactive in the system they were scheduled to be in.
When a break or offline activity is scheduled:
A hashed block shows when the agent was not tracked in the system. This means they're on-task as they weren’t scheduled to work in systems at that time.
An orange block shows when the agent was off-task and working in systems when they were not scheduled to be, e.g. they were scheduled on break but were working in Dialpad.
View individual interactions
Hover over any blocks in the tracked rows of the timeline to view additional information.
On hover, you will see a summary of:
The start and end time of the selected period
The activity the agent was scheduled to do
A summary of their tracked work in the integrated system, organised by working sessions per contact.
If the agent did no work in this time, a ‘no activity’ label will show instead.
Hover over any contact to see a breakdown of the actions the agent performed. This will include:
The contact ID from the integrated system, and a direct link to open and view it, if available.
The length of the working session, i.e. total time the agent spent working on this contact at this time.
A breakdown of each interaction the agent did, e.g. open, on-hold, comment, closed
The actual or assumed start and end time of the working session.
Learn more about how timelines are built
Read this article to learn more about how working sessions and Time-on-Task is calculated.
Breakdown table
The activity breakdown view displays the agent’s performance on each of your activities.
Here, you can see:
Scheduled time: Total time scheduled on the activity.
Time-on-task: The percentage of time the agent was on-task when they were scheduled on this activity
Opened: Number of open interactions.
Comment: Number of comment interactions.
On-hold: Number of on-hold interactions.
Closed: Number of closed interactions.
Closed per service hour: The average number of contacts closed per hour scheduled on this queue.
You can sort and filter the columns to identify the agent’s strengths or weaknesses across different activities.
Frequently asked questions
Why are agents are marked as off-task when they’re working in the correct system?
If you are seeing orange blocks (i.e. the agent is working on the wrong activity) when they are working in the correct system, then you may not have connected the correct queue to the activity.
To link a queue to an activity:
Navigate to Schedule
Select Activities
If it’s not already open, open the editing toolbar by selecting the open button in the top left corner of the schedule
Select the Activities tab
Find the relevant activity in the list and select the Edit button
Toggle on the link to queue option and select the correct queue from the dropdown menu
Select Save
How do I view performance for a specific shift?
To view the performance for a specific shift, rather than a specific day, head to the the Performance page in Reports.
Select the agent from the dropdown menu
Select Day and date in the date picker
The shifts this agent was scheduled to work on will be shown at the top of the report
Select the shift you want to view and the page will update to only show data for this shift