SMS Logging in Salesforce
    • 21 May 2024
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    SMS Logging in Salesforce

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    Article summary

    With so much business communication happening via SMS, its crucial to have a record of these conversations. That's where SMS logging comes into play.

    With SMS logging in Salesforce, Admins can: 

    • Designate which users have SMS logging turned on 
    • Automatically log external SMS between reps + prospects/customers
    • Access all interactions (calls & SMS) from one central platform
    Who can use this feature
    SMS logging for Salesforce is available to Ai Sales and Ai Contact Center customers, as well as  Dialpad Ai Voice users on the Pro and Enterprise plans.
    SMS logging is currently only for external messages on individual lines, however, we do have an Early Adopter Program for Shared Line SMS logging.

    Enable SMS Logging (Company Level) 

    To enable external SMS logging with Salesforce, have your Office Admin follow these steps: 

    1. Navigate to Admin Settings 
    2. Select My Company 
    3. Navigate to Integrations
    4. Select Options next to Salesforce
    5. Select Manage Settings from the drop-down SF_settings.png
    6. Navigate to Activity Logging and Linking
    7. Select the box beside Log SMS messages as activitieslog_sms_SF.png

    This will enable SMS logging across all your Dialpad Offices. 

    Dialpad Tip:
    If you haven't already, try testing out our call-logging feature. We support both Classic and Lightning versions.

    Now that you've enabled SMS logging in Salesforce for your specific Office(s), the next step is granting access to your individual users.

    Enable SMS logging (User level)

    Office Level settings are inherited by Users, however, Admins can also choose unique permissions on an individual User level.  

    Have your Office Admin follow these steps: 

    1. Navigate to Admin Settings
    2. Select Team 
    3. Beside the intended user(s) name, select Options 
    4. Select Calling
    5. Select Configure Integrations
    6. Select Configure for this User
    7. Check Log SMS messages as activities
    8. Select Save

    Authenticate Salesforce in Dialpad 

    Within the conversation view, have the users you’ve enabled select Connect Salesforce to authenticate the integration. 


    Before you can log SMS, your users will need to find a matching connection in Salesforce. If none exist, have your users create the contact in Salesforce first before engaging on Dialpad.


    Once connected, your users will see a profile of your contact that will display: 

    • Job Title 
    • SFDC Owner
    • Status 
    • Open Activities
    • Activity History


    Logging SMS to Salesforce 

    Dialpad will automatically log external SMS sent and received on Dialpad with your matching Salesforce contact. 

    Users will see the log appear as a new Task under Activity History.


    In the Task Information, you'll see the type is noted as Chat. 


    SMS messages not logging? Check with your Salesforce Admin to make sure the following actions have been completed:
    • Type field should be visible on Task objects in Salesforce
    • 'SMS/Text' needs to be added as a picklist value for the Type field
    • Salesforce field-security for this field is viewable for your user type/profile

    Frequently Asked Questions 

    How will the task appear in Salesforce?

    We’ll mark the task as Completed and include the following fields: 

    • Type: Chat 
    • Name: Salesforce Contact Name 
    • Assigned To: Dialpad User’s Name 
    • Priority: Normal 

    To avoid overloading tasks, we’ll group as many messages into one task as we can (hard limit of 32K characters per task). 

    If we need to split out tasks, we’ll mark it with a (1) or (2), in the Task name.

    Can we log messages sent from Shared Lines (Main Lines, Departments, Contact Center)?

    Yes! This functionality is currently in an Early Adopter Program. Please read this Help Center article for more information.  

    Does this integration log internal and external messages to Salesforce?

    No—we’ll only log SMS sent or received from external contacts (i.e., not people within your Office or Company).

    Does the contact need to exist in Salesforce for logging to work?

    Yes—make sure that your end-users match an existing contact from Salesforce in Dialpad before trying this feature.

    Can we log messages sent from Salesforce?

    Not at this time. Currently, the SMS logging feature only works when sending and receiving messages in Dialpad.

    Does this work with Salesforce Classic and Lightning?


    Will MMS (video, image) also log as a Task in Salesforce?

    We will provide a link to the MMS file shared within the task.

    Can we log calls as well as SMS?

    Absolutely! Our call logging feature is already available as part of Pro and Enterprise plan types, both with Salesforce Classic and Salesforce Lightning.

    Can I log a text message to an opportunity?

    No, SMS messages cannot be logged to an opportunity, only calls.

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