Sign a Business Associate Agreement (BAA)
    • 29 Sep 2023
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    Sign a Business Associate Agreement (BAA)

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    Article summary

    To support our healthcare customers in complying with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), we allow Company Admins to sign a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) for their company.

    Let's take a look at how to sign and accept your BAA in Dialpad.

    Who can use this feature

    Online BAA signing is available on all paid Dialpad accounts.

    Accept a BAA

    To review and accept a BAA, head to your Admin Settings from

    1. Choose the desired office
    2. Select Privacy and Legal 
    3. Select Review and Accept beside Business Associate Agreement for HIPAA
    4. Review the agreement 
    5. Select Accept

    If you have accepted previous amendments to the agreement, you'll see them noted in the Reviewed column. 

    HIPAA compliance

    For more information about Dialpad security and privacy features relevant to HIPAA compliance, please visit ourTrust page.


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