Requesting Shift Changes
    • 13 Dec 2024
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    Requesting Shift Changes

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    Article summary

    Need to adjust your schedule? No problem! Dialpad WFM lets you easily request shift changes to accommodate appointments, classes, or other commitments.

    Let's dive into the details.

    Who can use this

    Dialpad WFM is available to all Dialpad users.

    Contact your Customer Success Manager to discuss adding Dialpad WFM to your plan.  dopter Program; please contact your Customer Success Manager if you want to join.

    Request a shift change

    To request a shift change, head to your schedule in Dialpad WFM.

    1. Select the shift you want to change

    2. Select Request change

    3. Update the shift

      1. You can request changes to the date, as well as your start and end time.

    4. Add a note for your admin

    5. Select Send request

    That’s it! Your admin will be notified of your request, and you’ll receive an email to let you know the outcome of your request.

    While the request is pending, you’ll see a clock beside the shift.


    You’re still responsible for your shift until you get a response from your manager.

    Frequently asked questions

    Can I swap a shift with another agent?

    Absolutely! To submit a shift swap request, head to your schedule in Dialpad WFM.

    1. Select the shift you want to change

    2. See who’s working different days in the Working with you section

    3. Select Request change

    4. Update the shift to the same date and/or hours of the other agent’s shift

    5. In the Note section, let your manager know you want to swap shifts

    6. Select Send request

    7. Ask the other agent to submit a request to change their shift to yours

    Can I view or delete a request once it’s been submitted?

    Yep! To view or delete an existing shift change request, head to your schedule:

    1. Select the shift you made the request on

    2. Select View request

    3. Here, you’ll see the date request was submitted, and it’s status

    4. To delete the request, select Delete

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