Introducing Dialpad to Your Team
    • 29 May 2023
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    Introducing Dialpad to Your Team

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    Article summary

    Dialpad is a cloud-based phone system that unifies voice and text communication, allowing employees to have a single contact number that can ring their desk phone, smartphone, and computer. It offers features such as easy setup, seamless call functionality, customization of call handling for departments, mobile app support with live call transfer between devices, presence indicator to see if the other party is available or on a call. It also provides analytics to better understand usage volume and Do Not Disturb mode when needed. During the migration process ITS will provide training and documentation to make the transition smooth.

    Making the shift to an all-cloud platform like Dialpad means less friction between your business tools and increased productivity from your entire team. 

    Here's an example of a welcome email to share with the rest of your team. Feel free to copy this or make edits to make it your own. 

    Introducing Dialpad: Email Copy

    Hi everyone,

    I am pleased to announce that next-generation voice powered by Dialpad is coming to [Company Name]! We're in the process of deploying Dialpad's platform to provide modern communication features and improved collaboration throughout the organization

    Here are some of the benefits we will enjoy with Dialpad:

    • It’s easy to use—setting up your phone number takes just a few moments
    • Seamless call functionality for online phone numbers and conferences—just click a number and Dialpad launches the call or chat
    • Customization of call handling for individual departments, including main line operators, auto-attendant configuration, and hours of service
    • Greater flexibility with a mobile app and the ability to transfer live calls between your computer and mobile device
    • A presence indicator allows you to see if the other party is available or on a call
    • Using your [Company Name] phone number, communicate with students and staff by calling and through instant messaging, SMS/MMS, and group messaging
    • Instantly launch a 1-to-1 video and/or Hangout, including screen-sharing
    • Easily see all missed calls, received calls, voice, and instant messaging/SMS/MMS right within the Dialpad application
    • Dialpad Analytics provides you greater insight into your personal usage and will allow us to better understand usage volume to make future decisions about unneeded profiles and room phones
    • When you are ready to tune out for the day, simply turn on Do Not Disturb

    Dialpad is a cloud-based phone system that unifies voice and text communication, making it possible for [Company Name] employees to have a single contact number that can ring their desk phone, smartphone, and computer as well as send instant messages and text messages. 

    Whether you are calling someone from your office, from a remote location, or messaging them, the caller will see it as your [Company Name] phone number. You will no longer need to share personal contact numbers outside of [Company Name] when using Dialpad.

    Take a call at your desktop with a headset and type up notes while you are talking. Send a text to a cell phone directly from your desktop Dialpad app. 

    Transfer calls easily to another person or quickly bring another person on to a call. The integrated phone directory also makes it easy to search by name or department when making calls across campus. Easily add contacts to this directory. 

    As we launch Dialpad, we will keep you informed on the timeline for the migration of your phone number. During the migration, our Dialpad Ambassadors team from ITS will work with you to get your phone set up. 

    You may decide to use a phone desk set, a headset on your computer, opt for sending all calls to your cell phone, or some combination of these three options. 

    We will have plenty of training and documentation available, and will work to make this transition a smooth and hopefully enjoyable experience for everyone!

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