Geographic Routing
    • 13 Dec 2024
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    Geographic Routing

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    Article summary

    Geographic Routing allows you to automatically route inbound calls to different Contact Centers based on the area or country code of the caller. This reduces hold time and ensures callers are sent to the right contact center the first time, avoiding unnecessary transfers. 

    Let's dive into the details of geographic routing.   

    Who can use this
    Geographic Routing is available to Dialpad Dialpad Support and Dialpad Sell customers.

    Create Geographic Routing

    First things first, your Company or Office Admin must enable Geographic (GEO) routing for the Contact Center then head to your Dialpad Admin Settings.

    1. Select Geo. Routing
    2. Select Add a Geo. Router
    3. Name the router
    4. Select Add a number
    5. Choose a local or toll-free number
    6. Name the number (optional)
    7. Review the cost 
    8. Select Add number

    Configure GEO Routing

    Once your team has enabled Geo Routing, its time to configure the routing rules.

    To configure GEO Routing, head to your Dialpad Admin Settings. 

    1. Select Geo. Routing
    2. Select the desired routing
    3. Select Add new rule
    4. Enter the area and/or country codes
    5. Select the Contact Center you'd like these callers to route to
    6. Select Save Changes
      • To edit or delete an existing routing rule, select Options beside the routing rule and choose Edit or Delete

    Set GEO Routing Fallback Rule

    Set a fallback rule so that callers are directed to an alternate Contact Center if the incoming phone number doesn’t match one of the rules.

    To set your GEO routing fallback rule, head to your Dialpad Admin Settings.

    1. Select Geo. Routing
    2. Select the desired routing
    3. Select Routing Rules and Fallback
    4. Select the Fallback drop-down menu
    5. Select the desired Contact Center
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