Data Subject Access Request
    • 30 May 2023
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    Data Subject Access Request

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    Article summary

    Dialpad provides customers with the capabilities to comply with data privacy laws such as the EU GDPR and CCPA. Customers can manage their accounts through Dialpad Administrator Settings, while larger customers should contact Dialpad's support team. Data Subject Access Requests for disclosure, export, and deletion can be filed at Dialpad's website. For any requests or questions, customers should contact their Dialpad Admin or the support team.

    At Dialpad, we support user-focused data privacy principles such as those embodied in the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). All of Dialpad’s products are compliant with these laws, and we provide our customers with the capabilities required to support their call participants.

    Many common tasks, such as viewing or deleting account data and managing user accounts can be done immediately by your company’s Dialpad Administrator through the Administrator settings. To close your account, small customers (less than 5 users) can do so through their Administrator Settings. Larger customers should contact our Support Team.

    Dialpad company customers and end-users may file Data Subject Access Requests for disclosure, export, and deletion at the Dialpad DSAR Portal.

    If you have any requests, please contact your Dialpad Admin or our Support Team.

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