Contact Center FAQs
    • 02 Apr 2024
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    Contact Center FAQs

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    Article summary

    Dialpad Contact Centers FAQ: Agent licenses are tied to individual users and can be assigned to multiple Contact Centers without consuming additional licenses. To remove a Contact Center, go to the Admin portal and select Delete. Contact Center licenses are assigned per agent, so removing an agent from their assigned Contact Centers frees up a license. Usage limits do not apply to Contact Center users charged per minute for calls. The number of Contact Centers allowed depends on the plan. Circular call routing is not supported in Dialpad. Closed business hours routing is used when callers hit a queue during closed hours. To see all calls in 'Monitor All,' office or company admins must grant themselves admin permission in each Contact Center. If an agent is only assigned to one Contact Center and is set to Off, they will automatically be set to Off Duty. Outbound calls from a Contact Center without a number use the mainline number as caller ID. Missing or declining a call places the agent in an off duty state. Dialpad has migrated away from Contact Center Free and Standard plans, with those features now available for Departments. The DND toggle for Contact Centers and Departments was renamed Active, with additional features added to Agent States.

    Let's go over some common questions about Dialpad Contact Centers. 

    How are agent licenses consumed?

    When you purchase a Contact Center agent license, that license is tied to the individual user. That means that individual user can be assigned to any other Contact Centers within your Office without consuming additional licenses.

    How do I remove a Contact Center?

    To remove a Contact Center, just navigate to the specific Contact Center in the Admin portal and select Delete.

    If you've purchased any local or toll-free lines for your specific Contact Center, they'll be placed in your Reserved Numbers.

    How do I remove Contact Center licenses?

    Contact Center licenses are assigned per agent, so you'll need to remove that agent from their assigned Contact Centers to free up a license and reach out to our Support Team to permanently remove the license from your billing. 

    Need help knowing which Contact Centers people are assigned to? Try exporting your Team list and running a search for the agent's name.

    Are there any usage limits for the Contact Centers?

    Usage limits do not apply to Contact Center users who are charged per minute for inbound and outbound calls.

    How many Contact Centers does my plan support?

    The number of Contact Centers that you can have varies on your plan. 

    • Ai Voice with Contact Center Standard Add On: 3 Contact Centers max (Legacy Plan)
    • Ai Voice with Contact Center Pro Add On: 25 Contact Centers max (Legacy Plan)
    • Ai Contact Center Pro and Ai Sales Pro: 25 Contact Centers max (Legacy Plans)
    • Ai Contact Center and Ai Sales plans: Unlimited Contact Centers

    What agent routing options do I have?

    Fixed Order, Round Robin, and Longest Idle. You'll find these options under Agents & Admins from your Contact Center in the Admin portal.

    Does Dialpad support circular call routing between Contact Centers?

    While you can route callers from one Contact Center to the next, circular call routing is not currently supported in Dialpad.

    But what do we mean when we say circular call routing? Let's take a look at the example below:

    • John calls Contact Center A
    • No agent answers the call
    • Secondary call handling option is set to forward to another Contact Center: Contact Center B
    • John is routed to Contact Center B
    • No agents answer the call
    • Secondary call handling option set to forward to another Contact Center: Contact Center A
    • John is routed back to ContactCenter A

    Since this isn't supported in Dialpad, once your caller is routed to your second Contact Center and no agents answer, they'll be routed to your Contact Center's voicemail (another reason to make sure you've set that up before sharing the number).

    What happens if a caller hits my queue during closed hours?

    We'll default to whatever closed business hours routing that the Contact Center Admin has set up.

    Why am I not seeing live calls under the Monitor All tab when I'm in the Office Admin?

    To see all calls in 'Monitor All,' an office or company admin must specifically grant themselves the admin permission in each Contact Center they belong to; otherwise, they will not see calls in this view.

    Why am I automatically being set to Off Duty when setting myself to available?

    If you're only assigned to one Contact Center and your Active toggle is OFF, you will automatically be set to Off Duty. 

    First, set yourself as Active in the Contact Center, then go on duty. 

    What number will be displayed if I place an outbound call using a Contact Center without a number as a caller ID?

    If a Contact Center doesn't have a direct number, outbound calls will default to using the mainline number.

    Why am I hearing a sound when I miss or decline a call?

    If you miss or decline a call, you are automatically placed in an off-duty state. In March 2023, Dialpad added the option for your Contact Center Admin to enable an audible notification to help ensure agents are aware that they have moved into an off-duty state. 

    What happened to Contact Center Free and Standard?

    We have migrated away from the Contact Center Free and Standard plans. The features that were offered on those plans are now available for Departments.

    What happened to the DND toggle?

    The DND toggle for Contact Centers and Departments was renamed to Active. We added a few other features to Agent States, be sure to review this Help Center article for more information. 

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