Multiple Contact Centers Live Dashboard
    • 21 May 2024
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    Multiple Contact Centers Live Dashboard

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    Article summary

    Contact Center dashboards unlock real-time performance insights through metrics such as call duration, speed to answer, Agent status, hold times, and much more. 

    Contact Center Managers and Admins can use Dialpad's Multiple Contact Centers Dashboard to monitor the health of several Contact Centers simultaneously, with customizable filters and the ability to save your searches for repeat use. 

    Let's dive into the details. 

    Who can use this feature
    Contact Center Supervisors and Admins who manage more than one Dialpad Ai Contact Center can monitor multiple Contact Centers. 

    Real-Time monitoring

    To access your Live Contact Center Dashboards, head to and select Live Dashboard from the left-hand sidebar.


    Dialpad offers two out-of-the-box dashboards, one for Calls and one for Contact Centers, that can be widely customized to provide you with the granular data you require.  

    Filter to display data from:

    • The current hour
    • Previous hour
    • Past 2 hours
    • Past 4 hours
    • Past 8 hours
    • All day  
    Display your Live Dashboard in a Wall Board format by selecting 'Fullscreen'.

    Calls dashboard

    The Calls tab on your Live Dashboard displays metrics on:

    • Handled calls
    • Total minutes
    • Missed calls
    • Abandoned calls
    • Call volume
    • Average call duration
    • Speed to answer
    • Abandon rate
    • Agent-to-caller ratio


    *Agent Status and Service Level metrics will not appear on the Multiple Contact Center Dashboards, but rest assured our team is working on this. 

    Contact centers dashboard

    On the Contact Centers tab of the Live Dashboard, you're able to customize your dashboard by selecting the desired columns. 

    Select the Columns filter, check the desired criteria, and select Apply. 


    Filter your columns by:

    • Contact Center name
    • Abbreviated Contact Center Name
    • Queued calls
    • Longest wait time
    • Number of Available Agents
    • Number of Agents in wrap-up
    • Number of answered calls
    • Number of abandoned calls
    • Number of missed calls
    • Number of voicemails 
    • Number of connected calls
    • Number of canceled calls 
    • Average speed to answer (ASA)
    • Service level
    • Call Duration

    Save a dashboard

    Save your customized dashboard so that you don't have to reset your parameters each time — this is available to both the Calls Dashboard and the Contact Centers Dashboard.  

    1. Select the desired filters
    2. Select Save new dashboard


    That's it! Your saved live dashboard will now appear in the Saved Dashboards sidebar, ready to be viewed again at your leisure. 


    Edit a Saved Dashboard

    Need to make changes to a saved dashboard? No problem. 

    First, head to

    1. Select Live Dashboard
    2. Select the desired dashboard from your Saved Dashboards list
    3. Add or remove the filter(s)

    The Dashboard will automatically update. 

    Delete a saved dashboard

    To remove a saved dashboard completely, select the dashboard you'd like to remove and simply click the trashcan icon.


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