Faxing on ATA Ports
    • 13 Dec 2024
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    Faxing on ATA Ports

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    Article summary

    This content explains how to configure ATA devices for faxing and how to disable faxing functionality if not needed. To enable faxing on an ATA device, go to Admin Settings on Dialpad.com, select Office, then Desk Phones, and choose DECT/ATA Devices. Click on Options next to the ATA device and select Show Managed Devices. Finally, enable fax by selecting Enable Fax. The Fax icon will now appear beside the room device. To disable faxing on an ATA device, follow the same steps but select Disable Fax instead. This will remove the Fax icon from the device, indicating that the port is now allocated to voice service. For more information on using ATA devices, refer to additional resources provided.

    ATA devices that have been allocated as room devices can be configured for faxing. 

    Lets dive into the details. 

    Who can use this
    Office and Company Admins can configure ATA devices for faxing. 

    Enable faxing on ATA ports

    To configure an ATA device for faxing, head to your Admin Settings from Dialpad.com

    1. Navigate to Office
    2. Select Desk Phones
    3. Select DECT/ATA Devices
    4. Select Options beside the ATA device
    5. Select Show Managed Devices
    6. Select Enable Fax

    That’s it! You’ll now see the Fax icon beside the room device. 

    Disable faxing on ATA ports 

    Decided you don’t need the ATA device to fax? No problem.  

    To remove faxing functionality from an ATA device for faxing, head to your Admin Settings from Dialpad.com

    1. Navigate to Office
    2. Select Desk Phones
    3. Select DECT/ATA Devices
    4. Select Options beside the ATA device
    5. Select Show Managed Devices
    6. Select Disable Fax

    You’ll notice that the Fax icon has disappeared from the device. This means the port is now allocated to voice service.

    More information

    If you would like more information on how to use your ATA device, please be sure to review this Help Center article. 

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