Export a User List
    • 26 Jul 2023
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    Export a User List

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    Article summary

    Need a quick rundown of all your users and room phones?

    No problem, Dialpad makes it easy to export your user list right from your Admin Portal. 

    Let's take a look at how this works. 

    Who Can Use This Feature
    Company Admins on all Dialpad plans can export their company-wide user list.
    Company and Office Admins can export their office-specific user list.

    Available Data Points

    Exported data (sent via email in CSV format) provides the following information:

    • target_id (user or room phone ID)
    • type (user or room)
    • primary_email (user's primary email)
    • name (user or room phone name)
    • state (active, invited, suspended)
    • office_id
    • office (name of the Office the user is assigned to)
    • country
    • date_added (invite/creation date)
    • departments (Department IDs)
    • department_names (name of the Departments the user or room phone is assigned to)
    • emails (user's primary and secondary emails)
    • phone_numbers (all numbers assigned to the user/room phone)
    • fax_numbers (fax number assigned to the user)
    • extension (user or room phones extension)
    • licenses (users license type)
    • office_admin (is the user an Office Admin)
    • company_admin (is the user a Company Admin)
    • cc_on-duty_status (is the user available or unavailable in a Call Center)

    Export Company User List

    To export your company-wide User List, head to your Admin Settings from Dialpad.com

    1. Select  My Company
    2. Select Export CSV Log
    3. Select Team List
    4. Select Ok

    That's it! A link to download the CSV file will be sent to your email address.

    In the CSV file, you'll see a list of all users and room phones across all Offices.

    Export Office User List

    To export your company-wide User List, head to your Admin Settings from Dialpad.com

    1. Select the desired office
    2. Navigate to Office Settings
    3. Select Users
    4. Select Export Users List
    5. Select Ok

    A link to download the CSV file will be sent to your email address.

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