Meeting Countdown Timer
    • 19 Sep 2023
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    Meeting Countdown Timer

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    Article summary

    Your time is valuable, and we understand the impact an overextended meeting has on your entire day.    Dialpad Meetings allows you to set a meeting timer that alerts the Organizer and all meeting Participants after a specific amount of time passes. This makes sure you don't run late, and that you have enough time for each speaker.

    Let's take a look at using meeting timers.

    Who can use this feature
    Meeting Countdown Timer is available to Dialpad Meetings Business Users.

    Keep in mind that you're only able to see and hear a meeting timer from Dialpad's desktop application; this feature does not work on PSTN or the mobile app.

    Enable meeting countdown timer

    To enable the Meeting Countdown Timer, head to your Dialpad Meetings dashboard. 

    1. Select Settings
    2. Navigate to Allow Meeting Timer
    3. Select to allow the timer with, or without, audio


    With audio, an alert for the Organizer and Participants will play after the countdown concludes.

    Without the audio, the countdown appears without no audio cue.

    Set meeting countdown timer

    To set Meeting Countdown Timer during an active meeting:

    1.  Navigate to Meeting info 
    2. Select Add a Meeting Timer
    3. Enter the length in 00:00 format
    4. Select Start 

    Your meeting timer will appear in the top-left corner for the Organizer and all Participants to see.

    Both the Organizer and all Participants may view, set, and stop a meeting timer.

    Stop & pause controls

    Pause or terminate the Meeting Time at your leisure. 

    From an active meeting, select the Stop button to turn off the timer or the Pause button to freeze the countdown.


    Both the Organizer and any Participants in the conference are able to do this.

    End-of-Meeting reminder

    If you've scheduled a meeting directly or using the Add-On for Google Calendar (see special instructions), Dialpad Meetings displays a 5, 10, or 15-minute reminder as a meeting nears its conclusion. 

    This allows the Organizer and all other Participants to understand the meeting reached its scheduled end; however, the meeting will not officially end until the Organizer ends it or the Participants leave. 

    Each person must dismiss the reminder on their own, so the Organizer dismissing it will not do so for any Participants.

    Keep in mind that this capability still works even if you've set a Meeting Countdown Timer during the meeting (as shown above). Both the end-of-minute reminder and the meeting timer will appear simultaneously in the top-left corner.

    Negative timer

    Sometimes it's not enough to know when the meeting is over. If a meeting runs long, the Meeting Countdown Timer shows how long the meeting has gone over the allotted time with a Negative Timer.

    After the timer hits zero, it will begin displaying Exceeded By time with a negative number. 

    You can close this by dismissing the reminder.

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