Dialpad Release Notes 22.04.29
    • 21 Jun 2023
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    Dialpad Release Notes 22.04.29

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    Article summary


    We're always rolling out updates that contain new features and capabilities to ensure customers get the most of Dialpad.

    Visit Dialpad's web portal to take advantage of the latest additions. You'll also discover some bug fixes to improve reliability. Dialpad's desktop app and web portal are made to live at the center of your business communications.

    Let's take a look at what's new in this release for April 29, 2022.

    Improvements and Fixes

    Contact Center

    • Increased post-call wrap-up time options, giving you more flexibility on when your agents can accept their next call. 



    • Contact Center Live Dashboard | Updated the agent Leaderboards and Charts to ensure they are not including suspended users. 
    • Dialbot Messages |Addressed an issue where Dialbot messages were being included in the “texts” analytics metrics for users.
      • Note:
         This did not affect exported metrics)

    Critical Bug Fixes

    • Voicemail | Synced Voicemail Email within the App Voicemail
      • When you listen to a VM in-app, it updates in real-time indicating you’ve listened to the voicemail.  
      • When you listen to a voicemail received via email, the in app will now update indicating the voicemail has been listened to.
    • Analytics | There was a bug in which the Analytics page kept on loading when the edited date range included a future date. This has now been fixed. 
    • Web Call History | Improved the User Experience. There was a bug that caused the drop-down menu to overlap the scroll bar. This has been fixed.

    Other Improvements

    We've also fixed some minor bugs, improving your overall experience with Dialpad. Happy Dialing!

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