Edit a shift

Easily adjust shifts on the fly to keep your team's schedule accurate and up to date.

Let’s go over how to edit or add a shift in Dialpad WFM.

Who can use this

Dialpad WFM is available to all Dialpad users, or as a standalone product.

Contact your Customer Success Manager to discuss adding Dialpad WFM to your plan.  

Edit a shift

Keep your schedule on track by updating existing shifts when things change.

To edit a shift, go to Dialpad WFM.

  1. Select Schedule

  2. Navigate to the shift you want to edit

  3. Select the shift

  4. Choose the new shift from the Shift drop-down

  5. Select Save


If a agent's day has more than 3 shifts, the shifts will be truncated into an additional menu.
Select the + more / + draft label to view the full shift list and make edits.

Add a new shift

New shifts can be added to an agent’s schedule at any time.

To add a new shift, go to the Schedule page in Dialpad WFM.

  1. Hover over the available (unscheduled) space

  2. Select Add manual shift

  3. Select the shift

  4. Select Save

Clear shift schedule

You can clear an agent’s entire shift schedule for up to one month, including any scheduled activities.

To clear a shift, navigate to the Schedule tab.

  1. Select Tools
    Weekly schedule overview with employee shifts and tools for managing schedules.

  2. Select Clear schedule

  3. Select an agent

  4. Choose the date range you want to clear

  5. Select to clear manual edits
    Dialog box to clear schedule for Amy Tan from January 4 to January 8.

    1. Select Yes to clear manual edited shift

    2. Select No to keep manual edited shift

  6. Select Clear schedule

    1. This action cannot be undone.

That’s it! After making these changes, publish the schedule so your team can see their updated shifts.


Double check before clearing a shift schedule — this action can’t be undone.

Frequently asked questions

How many shifts can an agent have per day?

As many as you need! There are no limits to how many shifts you can add to an agent’s day.

Does changing activities in a shift manually count as an edit?

No. Only changes to the shift’s template or hours count as manual edits.

Can I copy shifts to different agents?

Yes. Copying and pasting shifts can save time, especially when rearranging or covering shifts. You can copy shifts for the same agent or assign them to a different one.

When pasting, use Cmd / Ctrl + V to paste with activities, or Cmd / Ctrl + ⇧ + V to paste without activities.

Why won’t it let me edit a shift?

If you see a “This plan contains agents who you don’t have permission to edit” error when trying to edit a shift plan,  you likely don’t have admin permissions for all of the agents in that shift and/or team.
Fortunately, it’s a simple fix!

  1. Go to your WFM Settings

  2. Select Admins

  3. Select yourself

  4. Navigate to Admin Privileges

  5. Verify that you have View and edit permissions for the team’s shift that you want to edit

  6. Select Save

  7. Return to the shift and make the desired changes