Restricted Internal Search
    • 13 Dec 2024
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    Restricted Internal Search

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    Article summary

    Control which internal contacts are visible to others, keeping contact lists relevant and tailored to each team—ideal for independently operating offices.

    Let’s dive into the details.

    Who can use this

    Restrict Internal Search is currently in an Early Adopter Program.

    Once released, the feature will be available to all Dialpad users.

    Who can access what

    When using the restricted internal search feature, what you’ll see and be able to manage depends on your Dialpad permissions.

    • Company admins can set which offices will have access to other offices and view all internal users without restriction.

    • Office admins can only view users in their own office and offices granted access by the Company Admin.

    • Regional admins can only view users in their assigned office and any offices granted access by the Company Admin.

    • Users can only search for users and transfer calls from within their office and offices granted access by the Company and Office admin.


    External contact search and call transfers are unaffected.

    Enable restricted internal search

    Restricted internal search must be enabled at the company level.

    To enable restricted internal searching, head to Dialpad Admin Portal.

    1. Select My Company

    2. Navigate to Restricted Internal Search

    3. Select the checkbox beside Restrict internal contact search, transfer, and directory for non-admins to all offices

    Once enabled, users in each office can only search within their own office.


    If you have a number from another office, you can add it as an external contact to call.

    Select office in internal search

    You can choose which offices to grant access to for internal searching.

    To set internal search permissions for offices, head to your Dialpad Admin Portal.

    1. Select Office Settings

    2. Navigate to Office-wide settings

    3. Navigate to Restricted Internal Search, then select + Select Offices

    4. Select the office(s)

    5. Select Apply

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