Set Call Routing Rules for Contact Centers
    • 12 Feb 2025
    • 8 Minutes to read
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    Set Call Routing Rules for Contact Centers

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    Article summary

    Optimize your Contact Center with custom call routing rules to effectively manage time zones, priorities, and call volume. To set up call routing, access Dialpad Admin Settings and configure rules for both open and closed hours. You can prioritize routing to the last agent who assisted a caller, ensuring efficient handling of inbound and outbound calls. There are various routing options available, including directing calls to voicemail, IVR menus, or specific agents. Additionally, you can customize hold queues, greetings, and music to enhance the caller experience. Set ring durations and fallback options for unanswered calls, ensuring callers are not left waiting indefinitely. Advanced settings allow for further customization, such as hold queue size and delay greetings. By implementing these strategies, you can improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your Contact Center operations.

    Optimize your Contact Center with custom call routing rules. Manage time zones, priorities, and volume to connect every caller to the right agent.

    Who can use this

    Call routing rules are available for Dialpad Support and Dialpad Sell customers.

    Set Contact Center call routing

    Once you've set your business hours for a Contact Center, it's time to configure the call routing rules for when your Contact Center is open and closed.

    To set your Contact Center call routing, navigate to Dialpad Admin Settings.

    1. Navigate to Contact Centers

    2. Select the desired Contact Center

    3. Go to Business Hours & Call Handling

    4. Select Call Routing

    5. Select Edit Call Routing

    If you've set specific (normal or split) business hours for a Contact Center, you'll need to go through some of these steps twice for both open hours and closed hours.


    Select the Prioritize call routing to the last agent who handled that contact checkbox to route inbound and outbound call back to the last agent who assisted the caller.
    Instructions for call routing during business hours and prioritizing last agent contact.

    If that agent is unavailable, the call will follow your business and holiday hours routing rules.

    Open or closed hours

    Choose different routing options based on your hours of operation.

    • Open Hours Routing determines call routing options for the hours that your Contact Center is open.

    • Closed Hours Routing determines call routing options for the hours when your Contact Center is closed.

    Unless your Contact Center is set as open 24/7, you will need to configure both open and closed hours routing.

    Route calls to agents

    There are five different ways to route calls to agents:

    Longest idle

    Agents are rung individually based on whoever has been idle the longest.

    Fixed order (same fixed order)

    Agents are listed in the order they should be rung every single time. The priority never changes.

    Round robin (rotating fixed order)

    Agents are listed in a prioritized order for which they should be rung. When a call comes in, the first agent that answers is moved to the end of that list.

    If an agent misses a call because they’re on another call, they will be moved to the bottom of the list — this is intentional and ensures the list order is maintained.


    Agents are rung individually from highest to lowest skill level rank.


    Agents are rung sequentially based on a list of all agents that is randomized every time the list is completed.


    Simultaneous routing is not available for Contact Centers. This is intentional, as agents go off-duty when a routed call is not answered.

    By sending calls to agents, you can also set how long calls ring out before defaulting to your second option, such as a hold queue.

    Unanswered calls are routed to your fallback option. While Dialpad determines the next available agent, the call is sent back to the queue so that your callers are not stuck listening to endless ringing. While they wait, the caller will hear hold music and DTMF menu options that allow them to request a callback or leave a voicemail (if enabled) before being routed to the next available agent.

    To change this, please reach out to our Customer Care Team.


    If you choose Round Robin, the routing resets any time the agents are re-ordered or an agent is added or removed. This means the next incoming call will go to the agent with rank 1.

    Other routing options

    Select Other Routing Options if you prefer to route calls to a voicemail, a message, an IVR menu, or another team member or shared line.

    Other routing options offers the following choices:

    Directly to voicemail

    Agents receive notifications when voicemails are left.

    To a message (no voicemail)

    Default or custom message.

    To another department, office, contact center, or geo router

    Choose another shared line to send calls to.

    To a team member/room phone/number

    Choose another team member, room, phone, or number (including outside Dialpad; contact our Customer Care Team first) to send calls to.

    To an automated response menu

    Options include dial by name directory (Office), dial by extension directory, dial by name directory (Company), forward to a Department/Contact Center/Office, forward to a person or number, leave a voicemail, recorded message, operator, and disabled.

    • If you forward to another Department or Contact Center using an automated response menu, you can choose one that is located in another office within the entire company.

    • By default, calls will end if the caller doesn't choose an option after the hearing the menu twice. To avoid this, set one of the options as the default instead  (this also applies if you've set one of the options to ring operators and the operators do not answer).

    • When using the automated response menu, the recorded message that plays is uninterruptible, and all DTMF entries will be ignored. When the recorded message is completed, the call will return to the same automated response playing the initial greeting.

    To an IVR workflow

    Route calls through a customized IVR system. Learn more about IVR workflow in this Help Center article.


    Each Contact Center can have only one routing type.

    Dial-By directories

    Use Dial By directories to let users use the keypad to enter a name or an extension of a user. Dial-by directories can be set up for a specific Office, or across the entire Company.

    Welcome greeting

    Set a welcome greeting for callers during open or closed hours.

    Choose to record your own welcome greeting, or upload your existing audio file.


    To hear the existing greeting, press the play icon.

    To remove a greeting, select the red X.

    Ring duration

    Set how long a call will ring before Dialpad assumes an agent is unavailable.

    Changes here will be reflected in your open and closed hours.

    To set your ring duration, move the slider left or right.

    Hold queue

    Set a hold queue for when all Contact Center agents are busy on other calls. As agents become available, calls will route to them.

    Adjust your Contact Center's hold queue by customizing key details such as queue size, hold music, and delayed greetings.

    Hold queue size

    Determine the maximum number of people that can be in the hold queue at the same time. Dialpad limits a Contact Center's hold queue to 500 callers on the Advanced plan and 1,000 callers on the Premium plan.

    You can also set the maximum time people can wait in the hold queue (choose from 10 seconds, all the way up to 300 minutes).

    Hold greeting

    Select the greeting callers hear when placed on hold — this greeting plays once before the hold music begins.

    Choose to record or upload your own custom greeting, or use Dialpad's default hold greeting.


    If you're using our default greeting, your Contact Center name will be read to the caller — if your Contact Center has an unusual name, such as 'Calm Down Angry Clients, ' we recommend recording or uploading a custom greeting so that the Contact Center name does not play.

    Use a Delay greeting to keep callers active while they wait in the hold queue. Choose how frequently the delay greeting message plays by adjusting the interval, the minimum time option is 30 seconds.

    Advanced hold queue settings

    Use the advanced hold queue features to further enhance the caller experience by turning on (or off) these settings.

    Allow callers to be placed in your hold queue when no agents are available

    Callers will be placed in your hold queue even if no agents are on duty — don't forget to set a hold queue limit to avoid long wait times.

    Allow existing calls to stay in queue after contact center has closed

    Allows agents to answer calls that were in your queue before the Contact Center closed. Don't worry, calls will still respect your defined maximum queue wait time, and will follow the closed hours fallback option if the call times out.

    Let callers know their place in the queue

    Gives callers an idea of how long they might be waiting.

    • This option is not available when a maximum queue wait time of less than 2 minutes is selected.

    Allow callers to exit the hold queue to voicemail

    Lets callers exit the hold queue and leave a voicemail by pressing a specific number.

    Allow callers to request a callback when the queue has a certain number of callers

    Lets callers request a callback when there are more than a specific number of callers in the queue.

    • Connect to agent before calling back customer: The callback will first connect to an available agent before dialing the customer.

    Hold music

    Set hold music to entertain your callers while they wait to connect to an agent.

    Upload your own custom hold music, or select one of Dialpad's queue songs.

    Select the play icon to hear each song once you've selected it from the drop-down menu.

    Voicemail greeting

    Set a message (greeting) to play to your callers before they leave a voicemail. Choose to use Dialpad's default voicemail greeting, record your own greeting, or upload an mp3 file.

    Voicemail greetings will only play during the hours that your Contact Center is open.

    Fallback options

    Any calls that go unanswered will be routed to your fallback option.


    You’ll only see fallback options if you select Route Calls to Agents (fallback options are not available if Other Routing Options are implemented).

    If a call reached its maximum queue wait time during Contact Center open hours or if it’s still queued when the Contact Center closes, it will be sent to the appropriate fallback option.

    Fallback options let you choose to send callers:

    Directly to voicemail

    Agents receive notifications when voicemails are left.

    To a message (no voicemail)

    Default or custom message.

    To another department, office, contact center or geo. router

    Choose another shared line to send calls to.

    To a team member, room phone, or external number

    Choose another team member, room, phone, or number (including outside Dialpad; as before, this will require contacting our support team to enable it first) to send calls to.

    To an automated response menu

    Options include dial by name directory, dial by extension directory, forward to a Department, forward to a person or number, leave a voicemail, recorded message, and disabled.

    Transfer fallback options

    If an agent misses or rejects a transferred call from an agent, it will be routed to your transfer fallback options

    Options for transferring calls, including departments and voicemail settings.

    Transfer fallback options let you choose to send callers:

    Directly to voicemail

    Agents receive notifications when voicemails are left.

    To another department, office, contact center or geo. router

    Choose another shared line to send calls to.

    To a team member, room phone, or external number

    Choose another team member, room, phone, or number (including outside Dialpad; as before, this will require contacting our support team to enable it first) to send calls to.

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