Queue Troubleshooting
    • 08 Nov 2024
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    Queue Troubleshooting

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    Article summary

    Dialpad WFM makes queue setup easy, but occasionally errors can arise.

    Let's go over some common queue set-up troubleshooting scenarios. 

    Queue volume is too low

    In order to accurately forecast your contacts, the system needs enough data to analyze and understand your ticket trends. We recommended having at least 1 month's worth of historical data for the group's contacts and that you receive more than 3 contacts per hour on average to ensure accurate forecasting.

     If you do have enough historical data and you know you receive more than 3 contacts per hour, then check your conditions to ensure you have filtered your contacts correctly.

    If your contacts are new, or you don’t receive many contacts per hour, we recommend either merging with another group to increase volume or you can schedule activities without using a forecast.

    Queue contains no contacts

     If your queue doesn’t have any contacts, start by checking your conditions to ensure you have filtered your contacts correctly.

    Use the preview chart to see how many contacts that match your conditions were received in the last 7 days.

     If you continue to see this message, contact our Customer Care team for help.

    Forecast hasn’t updated

    When you save a queue, Dialpad WFM analyzes your historical ticket data to generate a forecast for the next 12 weeks. This process takes about 30 seconds, during which a loading spinner will appear.



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