Getting Started with the iOS App
    • 02 Jun 2023
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    Getting Started with the iOS App

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    Article summary

    Dialpad is an iOS app that allows users to work from anywhere using their iOS devices. The first step in getting started with the app is to verify your phone number. Once logged in, the app displays various features such as recent conversations, contacts, and assigned departments/contact centers. The inbox section shows new notifications, calls, voicemails, recordings, messages, flagged items, and spam. Users can play, reply, call back, or delete voicemails. The contacts section allows users to view frequent contacts and department directories. The departments section displays assigned departments and their interactions. The call center section shows agents and their status, as well as interactions and recordings. Users can enable HD calling for strong call quality when connected to a trusted WiFi network. They can also disable HD calling when traveling or choose the best option for each call.

    With Dialpad you get the freedom to work from anywhere on the iOS devices you use every day. At this point, you've already downloaded the iOS app and are ready to connect and launch the app for the first time. 

    Let's take a look at your first steps in getting started with the iOS app. 

    Step 1: Verify Your Number

    Once you launch the app, you'll be asked to verify your phone number. You may have already done this in your Profile settings. If so, once you hit Verify Number, we'll let you know that you're good to go onto the next step.


    If not, we'll ring out to you. Just tap 1 to confirm your number.

    If you opt to Skip for now, you'll only be able to place/receive calls when you have an internet connection.

    Step 2: Navigating the App

    Once you're logged into the app, your Recent screen will display things like:

    • Your Profile
    • Your Favorite Contacts
    • Recent conversations (including notifications)
    • Quick action (+) menu (add contact, new message, new call)
    • Search
    • Inbox
    • Contacts
    • Assigned Departments / Call Centers 



    Just like your desktop app, your Inbox displays:

    • New notifications
    • New calls
    • Missed calls
    • Voicemails
    • Recordings
    • Messages
    • Flagged Items
    • Spam


    Tap on a voicemail to display options to:

    • Play (via earpiece of your phone's speaker)
    • Reply (conversation thread)
    • Call Back
    • Delete



    Pro or Enterprise user? Voicemail transcriptions will automatically appear under each of your voicemails.


    Tap on Contacts to view:

    • Frequent
    • Directory
    • Department
    • Dialpad (contacts you’ve connected with through Dialpad)
    • Device (personal contacts from your iOS device)



    Tap on Departments to display all the Departments that you've been assigned as an Operator or Administrator. 

    Your Department Inbox displays categories like:

    • New - new interactions from a contact
    • All - timeline of events to that department and shows weather the interactions were a message, call, or voicemail
    • Missed notifications
    • Voicemails
    • Recordings (Administrators only)

    You'll also have the ability to toggle your Department DND from this screen.

    Call Center

    Tap on Call Centers to display all the Call Centers that you've been assigned as an Agent or Administrator. 


    Here you can manage your Available/Off Duty status and set any custom off duty status'. 


    Your Call Center Inbox Displays:

    • Hold Queue
    • Agents - shows all agents assigned to that Call Center and their status' (Call Center Admins and Supervisors can toggle agents on and off duty)
    • New - new interactions from a contact
    • All - timeline of events to that department and shows weather the interactions were a message, call, or voicemail
    • Voicemails
    • Recordings (Call Center Admins ONLY)


    Profile Settings

    Here's where you'll come if you're looking to:


    Step 3: Enabling HD Calling

    Empowering you to work from anywhere takes strong call quality. That's why we suggest enabling HD calling when you're connected to a trusted, strong WiFi connection (like at the Office, airport, or even at home). 


    Traveling? Navigate back here to disable HD calling and make calls with your carrier network.

    Better yet, consider opting for Choose before each call, giving you the flexibility to pick the best option for wherever work takes you. 

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