Huge Meetings - Early Adopter Program
    • 09 Aug 2024
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    Huge Meetings - Early Adopter Program

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    Article summary

    Increase your meeting size by enrolling in our Huge Meetings Early Adopter Program! With Dialpad’s Huge Meetings feature, you can host a virtual conference, a company All Hands, or even a knitting workshop with up to 1,000 participants.

    Let’s dive into how Huge Meetings work.

    Huge Meetings allows you to host and manage large meetings with three different types of participants, and permissions:

    • Viewer
    • Speaker
    • Host

    Let's take a look at who can do what.      

    Emoji Reactions
    View Transcripts
    View Speakers
    Raise Hand
    Share Screen
    Camera & Mic
    Manage Speakers


    Participants joining a meeting as a Listener can view the meeting, but they are automatically muted upon joining the conference. 

    Their camera will automatically be turned off, and they are not able to speak or share their screen without obtaining permission from a host. 

    Listeners can view the meeting transcripts and are able to interact with others via chat and emoji reactions. 


    Speakers have the ability to turn their camera and microphone on and off during the meeting and do not have to raise their hand when they want to talk. 

    Just like Listeners, they’re able to interact with other participants via chat and emoji reaction, and they have access to meeting transcripts after the meeting ends.


    Hosts are the only participant type that is able to manage participant types during the meeting. 

    They can approve raise-hand requests allowing others to speak, and can change participants’ permission types during a meeting. 

    Raise hand

    Listeners can request to speak by raising their hand. 

    To raise your hand:

    1. Select the Raise Hand icon from the bottom bar menu
    1. Configure your devices and select Raise Hand                                             

    That's it! Your Raise Hand request will then be sent to the Host for approval.

    To cancel your Raise Hand request while it’s pending approval, select Lower Hand from the bottom bar menu.  

    Once the organizer has approved your request, configure your mic and camera settings and permissions as prompted, then select Join as a speaker.  

    When a Listener participant raises their hand, Hosts will receive a notification that someone wants to speak.
    Select Show to see the details, then select Allow to let the participant to speak.

    Update participant permission type

    Hosts can update any participant’s permission type at any time during the meeting. 

    To update a participant’s permission:

    1. Navigate to the Participants panel

    1. Search the name of the participant
    2. Select menu beside the user’s name (that’s the 3 vertical dots)

    Here you can update the participant’s role to Co-host, speaker or listener, as well as view their profile or even remove them from your meeting. 

    Schedule a Huge Meeting

    To schedule a Huge Meeting, first, ensure you have turned on the Unique Meetings feature. 

    From your Dialpad Meetings dashboard:

    1. Select schedule later 
    2. Name your meeting and enter the meeting details (time, participants, dial-out options etc)
    3. Select if you’d like to use your personal meeting URL, or a custom meeting link
      • If you’d like a custom room URL (ex:, select Custom Room from the link dropdown (just below the meeting title) and enter the name. Otherwise, a unique meeting link will be created. 
    4. Select Make this meeting moderated                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
    5. Select Schedule Meeting

    That’s it! 

    To share the moderated meeting’s URL, navigate to your Upcoming Meetings and open the scheduled meeting. 

    Copy the URL and share it with your participants or put it into your calendar. 

    Add Speakers and Co-hosts

    Once you’ve scheduled your moderated meeting, it’s time to set speakers and add Co-Hosts. 

    1. Navigate to your upcoming meetings 
    2. Select the desired meeting                                                                                                                                                                                 
    3. Select Meeting Settings (that’s the gear icon)
    4. Navigate to Approved Speakers / Approved Co-hosts 

    To add Co-Hosts:

    1. Select Add Co-hosts
    2. Type the name of the desired Co-Host into the search bar 
    3. Press Enter
      • These participants will have access to meeting controls (except for organizer controls).

    To add Speakers:

    1.  Select Add Speakers
    2. Type the name of the desired Speaker and press enter

    Any participant not defined in the Approved list (Co-Host or Speaker) will join the meeting as a listener. Except for mobile app and PSTN participants who will join as speakers (but they have a limit of 30 and 10 speakers, respectively).

    Frequently asked questions

    I’d like to use Large Meetings now, how can I join the EAP?

    Contact your Customer Success Manager to request access. If you don’t have a Customer Success Manager, contact us here.  

    Why can’t I schedule a Moderated Meeting via Google Calendar?

    Our Dialpad Meetings Google Calendar integration does not currently support moderated meetings. 

    Why don’t I see all participants in the participants panel?

    We only display the first 50 participants in the participants panel. If your meeting has more than 50 participants, you will not see them all at once. However, you can use the search bar to find specific participants.

    Is there a limit to how many speakers can be in one meeting?

    Yes, you can have up to 150 speakers in a moderated meeting. 

    How many people can raise their hand at the same time?

    50 participants can raise their hand at the same time. 

    How can I give feedback on Huge Meetings?

    We want to hear all about your experience! Please email us at [email protected]

    Can I have more than 1,000 participants in my meeting?

    Not at this time, but we’re working on it! 

    Do all participants need to have an Ai Meetings Business license?

    No — however — the organizer must. 

    Are all the previous Meeting features available in Large Meetings?

    This depends on your role.

    Hosts and Speakers have access to all your favorite features, just like a regular meeting.

    Listeners do not have access to Ai transcripts, host controls, or layout customization. 

    Can external participants join a Huge Meeting? 

    Yes. However, we do plan to introduce internal-only options in the future.

    Can I host webinars? 

    Not at this time. Features such as user registration, questions, polls, attendee management, ticketing, etc. are not supported. 

    What kind of participants can join? 

    Anyone from the web or the native apps can join Large Meetings. 

    However, there is a cap of 25 participants for those who dial-in (PSTN). 

    Viewers are not supported on devices. 

    If you use Poly devices, only Speakers can connect to the device from the web or native app. Otherwise, you have to use TC8 controllers to join the meeting. 

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