Dialpad + Salesforce1
    • 13 Dec 2024
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    Dialpad + Salesforce1

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    Article summary

    Dialpad Salesforce1 integration allows calls from the Salesforce mobile app to be routed to Dialpad, streamlining business communication and logging calls to Contacts or Leads. To set up this integration, Salesforce Administrators need to install the Dialpad for Salesforce app, adjust page layouts, and assign Dialpad actions to objects like Leads. For Salesforce Classic users, the process involves similar steps, while for Salesforce Lightning users, the Dialpad integration requires additional configuration within the Salesforce1 Lightning Actions section. By following these steps, users can initiate Dialpad calls directly from Salesforce, enhancing communication efficiency within the platform.

    With Dialpad + Salesforce1, calls from your Salesforce mobile app can be routed to your Dialpad app, allowing you to keep your team's business calls on one platform while automatically logging to their Contacts or Leads.

    Let's go over the details of this integration.

    Who can use this
    Dialpad's Salesforce1 integration is available to Dialpad Sell and Dialpad Support customers, as well as  Dialpad Connect users on Pro and Enterprise plans.
    This integration is available for Salesforce Classic and Salesforce Lightning users who have installed the Dialpad mobile app onto their devices.


    To use Dialpad and Salesforce1, you'll need to:

    Salesforce Classic 

    Salesforce Administrators will need to follow these steps to integrate Dialpad within Salesforce1 for their Salesforce Classic users:

    1. Install the Dialpad for Salesforce app t
      1. If you're restricting access to specific users or profiles, make sure the desired users have access to the various new components for this package.
    2. Add Dialpad to the Page Layouts forany objects that you want users to be able to initiate Dialpad calls from
      1. If you want users to start a Dialpad call from Lead, follow these steps:
        1. Log into Salesforce as an Administrator
        2. Select Setup 
        3. In the Quick Find search field, type Page Layouts
        4. Select the Page Layouts link under Leads
        5. Select Page Layout Assignment
        6. Select the layout you want to add Dialpad to
        7. Select Salesforce1 & Lightning Actions, then select the 'override the predefined actions' link
        8. Drag and drop the Dialpad Call action into the Salesforce1 & Lightning Actions section
          1. The order of the actions here determines how they will appear in the Quick Action bar, so we recommend placing Dialpad Call towards the beginning of the list.
        9.  Select Save

    Repeat this process for any other Objects that should have the Dialpad Call option (e.g. Contacts, Accounts, etc.)

    Salesforce Lightning

    Salesforce Administrators will need to follow these steps to integrate Dialpad within Salesforce1 for their Salesforce Lightning users:

    1. Install the Dialpad for Salesforce app 
      1. If you're restricting access to specific users or profiles, make sure the desired users have access to the various new components for this package.
    2. Add Dialpad to the Page Layouts for any objects that you want users to be able to initiate Dialpad calls from.

      For example, if you want users to start a Dialpad call from Lead, follow these steps:
    1. Log into Salesforce as an Administrator
    2. Use Quick Find to navigate to the Object Manager
    3. Select Lead 
    4. Select Page Layouts
    5. Select Page Layout Assignment
    6. Select the layout you want to add Dialpad to
    7. Select Salesforce1 & Lightning Actions, then select 'override the predefined actions'
    8. Drag and drop the Dialpad Call action into the Salesforce1 & Lightning Actions section
      1. The order of the actions here determines how they will appear in the Quick Action bar, so we recommend placing Dialpad Call towards the beginning of the list
    9. Select Save

    Repeat this process for any other Objects that should have the Dialpad Call option, e.g. Contacts, Accounts, etc. 

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