Omnichannel Analytics
    • 13 May 2024
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    Omnichannel Analytics

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    Article summary

    As a Dialpad Digital Experience admin, there are times where you may want to check in and see how your team is performing. The Analytics page is a great place to start.

    To take a look at the Digital Experience analytics, simply navigate to your Dialpad Admin settings by visiting and selecting one of the options (Operations, Engagement, Business) under Digital Engagement

    The sections below will go over each Analytics readout and what each metric refers to.

    Operations map




    Active sessions

    Number of current active customer sessions

    Active Agent Sessions

    Number of current active agent sessions

    Available Agents

    Number of current available agents on the Dialpad Digital Experience desktop app

    Estimated Wait Time Minutes

    Current queue estimated wait time in minutes overall. If the estimated queue wait time is below 10 minutes, the color will be green, between 10 and 15 minutes will be orange, and above 15 minutes will be red.

    Queue Length

    Current queue length. If the current queue length is below 10, the color will be green. If it is above 10, the color will be red.

    Agent AHT minutes

    Average agent handled time over the last hour, displayed in minutes. If the average agent handled time is below 10 minutes, the color will be green, between 10 and 15 minutes will be orange, and above 15 minutes will be red.

    Sessions hourly by channelNumber of customer sessions per hour per channel.

    Queue Length by channel

    Current queue depth per channel.

    Wait Time Service Level

    Percentage of conversation answered in 30secs, 60 secs, 2 mins and 5 mins. If metrics are above 90%, the color will be green, between 90% and 80% will be orange, and below 80% will be red.

    Queue Statistics (Timeout, Queue Length and Abandon rate) trend line 

    Number of abandons, timeouts, and the queue length per hour.

    Operations Map Detailed Reports




    Sessions daily

    Number of sessions per day with channel breakdown.

    Sessions hourly

    Number of sessions per hour with channel breakdown.

    Agent Sessions daily

    Number of sessions with agents per day.

    Agent Sessions hourly

    Number of sessions with agents per hour.

    Queue Wait Time hourly by channel

    Average wait time in queue per hour per channel.

    Queue Wait Time hourly by skill

    Average wait time in queue per hour per skill.

    Queue length median hourly by channel

    The median of the queue depth per hour per channel.

    Queue length median hourly by skill

    The median of the queue depth per hour per skill.

    Queue length by skill

    Current queue depth per skill.

    Agent Sessions Duration (Channel)

    Number of sessions with agents with average handle time and channel breakdown.

    Agent Productivity Daily (Channel)

    This visualization shows the total number of agent sessions, the number of sessions closed without any agent messages, average handled time(AHT), the average first response time(AFRT), the average number of messages sent by both the agent and customer(ATMC-Average total message count) and the average number of messages sent by the agent only(AAMC-Average agent message count) per agent per channel per day

    Chat Queues per channel (Daily)

    Number of "Agent Answered`, “Timed Out", “Abandoned”, and “Total Transferred” sessions per channel per day

    Agent Productivity Daily (Skill)

    This visualization shows the total number of agent sessions, the number of sessions closed without any agent messages, average handled time(AHT), the average first response time(AFRT), the average number of messages sent by both the agent and customer(ATMC-Average total message count) and the average number of messages sent by the agent only(AAMC-Average agent message count) per agent per skill per day

    Total Sessions Monthly

    Number of sessions per month in the last 12 months rounded to the month.

    Notifications Daily

    Number of notifications and breakdown by notification per day.

    Agent Session Close Type Daily

    Different close status of agent session. Daily Report

    Engagement Map




    Unique Users TodayNumber of unique users today.
    Survey Offer RatePercentage of sessions today with surveys offered
    Survey Completion RatePercentage of surveys offered today that were completed
    Survey Score AverageAverage survey score today.
    Bot Closure RatePercentage of sessions which completed at the bot without an agent
    Bot Fallback RatePercentage of sessions today where an intent was triggered but the bot was unable to determine the intent
    Users dailyNumber of new users and existing users per day.
    Repeat UsersNumber of users who had 1,2,3,4-10,11+ conversations in a calendar week.
    Sentiment and Survey Score averageAverage user sentiment and survey score per day
    Intent word cloudTop ten topics from agent sessions

    Engagement Map Detailed Reports




    Unique Users dailyNumber of unique users per day with channel breakdown.
    Sentiment dailyNumber of sessions where the agent has sent at least one message, at least one positive message, and at least one negative message & also shows the number of customer-agent sessions where the customer has sent at least one message, at least one positive message, and at least one negative message.
    Customer Sentiment dailyNumber of sessions where the customer has sent at least one message, at least one positive message, and at least one negative message.
    Agent Sentiment dailyNumber of sessions where the agent has sent at least one message, at least one positive message, and at least one negative message.
    Bot Sessions DurationNumber of sessions in each duration bucket per bot.
    Bot Sessions Duration per channelNumber of sessions with bot in each duration bucket with channel breakdown.
    Survey Completion Trend dailyThis visualization shows the total number of agent sessions, the number of sessions with Survey Launched, the number of sessions with Survey Completed Daily trend
    Survey Response Per Channel dailyCount of responses per question per survey based on channel per day
    Entry and Exit Sentiment averageThe user session sentiment score average for initial interactions i.e. session entry and final interactions i.e. session exit per day

    Business Map 




    AHT dailyAverage Handle Time in minutes for bot, agent and combined
    Agent AHT % of Total AHTAgent Average Handle Time today as a percentage of the total AHT
    Total Agent Time (hours)Total handle time in hours across all agents, for the past week
    Bot Deployed IntentsNumber of current intents handled by bots
    AHT by IntentAverage Handle Time for the top intents, for bot and for agent
    Agent Sentiment by IntentUser sentiment score for each of the top intents
    Task CountsNumber of sessions per task with result breakdown.
    Intents DiscoveredTop ten topics from agent sessions

    Business Map Detailed Reports




    Bot Intent Sessions CountNumber of bot sessions per intent.
    Agent Intent Sessions CountNumber of agent sessions per intent.
    Total Sessions This YearTotal number of sessions in this year.
    Task SummaryCount of result per task per day.
    TagsNumber of sessions per tag.
    Survey CommentsWord Cloud to show top 20 Comments for Survey

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How will digital experience channels affect the reporting I already do in Dialpad?

    When agents are actively handling conversations in digital experience channels, their call center status in Dialpad’s other dashboards and exports will reflect this time as “Off Duty” and spent in a Custom Status called “Digital”. Your dashboards and exports relating to Agent Statuses will now reflect this behavior. You can read more about custom off duty statuses and their analytics here.

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