Dialpad + Salesforce Omni-Channel FAQs
    • 10 Sep 2023
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    Dialpad + Salesforce Omni-Channel FAQs

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    Article summary

    The content discusses frequently asked questions about the Dialpad for Salesforce Omni Channel integration. It explains that the Dialpad Administrator needs to connect Dialpad to Salesforce Omni Channel in the administrative portal, and individual agents should disconnect and reconnect to Salesforce before using the status sync feature. Agents need to be on Ai Sales or Contact Center for two-way status sync. The content also clarifies that agents can handle chats and digital interactions through Salesforce while managing voice interactions through Dialpad. Admins can configure the maximum number of chat/digital interactions an agent can have open before they are considered "unavailable" for voice calls. The content mentions that new Omni Channel statuses can be added after setting up the sync, and Salesforce Lightning is required for this integration. It also provides troubleshooting tips for issues related to status syncing and explains the distinction between work item size capacity and presence configuration capacity in Salesforce Omnichannel.

    Lets go over the most commonly asked questions regarding the Dialpad for Salesforce Omni-Channel. 

    Does every User need to connect to Omni-Channel?

    The Dialpad Administrator needs to connect Dialpad to Salesforce Omni-Channel in the administrative portal. It’s also recommended for the individual Agents to disconnect and reconnect to Salesforce before they start using this status sync feature.

    Is there a special Dialpad license needed for status sync?

    Agents need to be either on Ai Sales or Contact Center for the two-way status sync.

    Can you explain the effects of digital Salesforce on Dialpad statuses, when it may prevent calls from being routed, and when these changes are likely to occur?

    Agents should be able to handle chats and digital interactions through Salesforce while managing voice interactions through Dialpad. In order to determine when to send voice calls to the Agent and when not to, the Agent's presence is shared between Salesforce and Dialpad. Admins can configure the maximum number of Salesforce chat/digital interactions an Agent can have open at once before the Agent is considered "unavailable" for voice calls. Additionally, Admins can notify Salesforce when the Agent is on a call and configure if the Dialpad presence is shared with Salesforce or not.

    It should be possible to set a number "n" such that when an agent has "n" active chat or digital interactions, they will no longer receive incoming phone calls until one of the chat or digital interactions is closed, in other words, an agent can only receive voice calls when they have "n-1" active chat or digital interactions.

    Can I add new Omni-Channel statuses after setting up the sync?

    Yes, we will refresh and fetch the latest available statuses upon going into Integration Settings > Salesforce > Configure.

    Do we have to use Salesforce Lightning to use this integration?

    Yes, the status sync is available only for Salesforce Lightning users.

    I don’t see the status syncing between Dialpad and Omni-Channel? What could be the cause?

    Ensure that the ‘On Call’ status in Dialpad is not mapped to ‘Offline’ status in Omni-Channel. Additionally, Salesforce Omni-Channel does not work if there are multiple tabs or instances of Salesforce open. This can cause the app to go out of sync with Omni-Channel.

    In order to use this feature, you'll need to make sure that you've created a Contact Center, assigned an Agent to the Contact Center, and the Agent is set to on duty to see the status updates in Dialpad and Omni-Channel.

    What is the distinction between work item size capacity and presence configuration capacity in Salesforce?

    In Salesforce Omnichannel, the "work item size capacity" is a setting that you can use to specify the maximum number of work items with a particular size that can be handled by an agent at one time. For example, you might set the work item size capacity for small items to 3, which would allow an agent to work on up to 3 small items at the same time.

    The term "present configuration capacity" refers to how many work items of a particular size a given agent is capable of handling at any given time. This is determined based on the current workload of the agent and the work item size capacity that has been set.


    Consider the following example to illustrate the difference between work item size capacity and present configuration capacity:

    Let's say you have a customer support team that uses Omnichannel to handle support requests from customers. You have set the work item size capacity for small items to 3, and the work item size capacity for large items to 1. This means that each agent can work on up to 3 small items at the same time, but can only work on 1 large item at a time.

    At a given moment, an agent named Alice is currently working on 2 small items and 1 large item. The work item size capacity for small items for Alice is 3, and the present status capacity for small items for Alice is 1 (3 - 2). This means that Alice has the capacity to work on 1 additional small item. The work item size capacity for large items for Alice is 1, and the present configuration capacity for large items for Alice is 0 (1 - 1). This means that Alice does not have the capacity to work on any additional large items at the moment.

    If Alice finishes one of the small items and becomes available to work on additional items, the present status capacity for small items will increase. For example, if Alice finishes the small item and becomes available to work on additional items, the present status capacity for small items for Alice would be 2 (3 - 1), and the present status capacity for large items for Alice would still be 0 (1 - 1).

    Despite the work presence configuration capacity being full, why am I unable to check the status of "Digital Salesforce" on Dialpad.

    Navigate to Integration Settings > Salesforce > Omnichannel and toggle the connection.

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