Export Dialpad Data to Domo
    • 07 Jun 2023
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    Export Dialpad Data to Domo

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    Article summary

    With the Dialpad QuickStart app, Admins can export their Dialpad data like calls, messages, and active users stats straight into Domo, allowing for a more visual, flexible way to analyze your team's data.

    Add the Dialpad QuickStart App

    To add the QuickStart app, have your Company Admin (in the case of multiple offices) or your Office Admin (in the case of a single office) follow these steps:
    1. Search for the Dialpad QuickStart app in the Domo store
    2. Select Try It
    3. Connect your Dialpad account  
    After connecting your Dialpad account, you'll see cards appear for fields like: 

    Executive Summary

    • Rating Call Volume, By Day
    • Connected Call Duration by Call Direction
    • Avg. Call Rating


    Call Quality 

    • Total Calls and % Connected Calls
    • Top-Rated Devices
    • Highest Rated Offices  


    User Leaderboard

    • Most active users
      • Calls 
      • Avg. Call Durations
      • Messages


    Once your QuickStart has been connected and displays your connected Dialpad data, you'll be able to customize individual cards for future use. 

    Filter Your Data

    Need to filter your data based on Departments, Offices, users, etc.? You can do this right from inside Domo. Here's how: 

    1. When viewing your QuickStart app, select the Wrench icon
    2. Turn on Page Level Filters
    3. From here, you'll be able to select the different filter you'd like to see (Departments, Offices, etc.)



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